Page 5 - LatAmOil Week 10 2021
P. 5

LatAmOil                                     COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                         After all, Castello Branco had made his opposi-  that the case can be taken to the full court for
                         tion to changes in pricing policy clear and had   further examination.
                         asserted repeatedly that Petrobras was not at   As such, there is a chance that the March 8
                         fault for the rising cost of diesel. But it has ruffled   ruling will not stand. If it does not, Lula will see
                         feathers at Petrobras, where a number of direc-  his conviction remain in force and his path back
                         tors have stepped down to express their support   to the presidency barred. And even if it does, the
                         for the departing CEO.               story will not end there, as the Supreme Court
                           It has also unnerved investors and market   will send the former president’s case to a federal
                         analysts by raising concerns about the possibil-  court in Brasilia that has been deemed to be the
                         ity of more state intervention in the Brazilian   proper venue for legal proceedings.
                           Additionally, it has led political observers to   Push and pull
                         ask whether the right-wing president is chang-  But if Lula does overcome these hurdles – and
                         ing direction and moving away from the fiscally   Debora Santos, a political analyst at Sao Pau-
                         conservative, market-oriented solutions that he   lo-based XP Investimentos, told Bloomberg
                         has traditionally espoused.          earlier this week that she put the former presi-
                                                              dent’s chances of running at 80-90% – Bolson-
                         Lula on the loose                    aro is likely to have a very difficult time gaining
                         More questions of this type are likely to arise   re-election. He may therefore seek to improve   More questions
                         over the next year. Bolsonaro is preparing to seek   his chances by pursuing policies that might win   are likely to
                         re-election in 2022, and he may have to compete   over some of his rival’s supporters.
                         against one of his biggest political rivals – Inacio   This has implications for Petrobras, given   arise if former
                         Lula da Silva, a leftist who served as president   that Lula has spoken harshly against the cur-
                         between 2003 and 2010.               rent president’s efforts to liberalise Brazil’s  President Inacio
                           Lula was effectively banished from Brazil’s   fuel and energy sector and to eliminate the
                         political scene in 2017, when he was convicted   NOC’s monopoly over upstream, midstream   Lula da Silva
                         on charges stemming from Lava Jato (“Car   and downstream operations in the oil and gas   competes in
                         Wash”), a wide-ranging investigation of bribery,   industry.
                         corruption and money-laundering allegations   It may not mean that Bolsonaro will seek to   the presidential
                         involving Petrobras. He served time in prison   outflank Lula by reversing his stance in favour
                         and was released in 2019, but he was also dis-  of, say, the privatisation of Petrobras’ refineries.  election in 2022
                         qualified from running for office in the future.  However, it may mean that he takes more steps
                           This may change now. On March 8, Edison   to control retail fuel prices to appease constitu-
                         Fachin, a judge in Brazil’s Supreme Court, threw   encies such as truckers.
                         out Lula’s conviction on the grounds that it had   If so, he is likely to face a certain amount of
                         been made by a court with no jurisdiction over   resistance from Petrobras. This resistance may
                         the matter.                          not be overt or immediate; after all, Luna is due
                           The former president has hailed Fachin’s   to replace Castello Branco in the near term, and
                         decision, saying it vindicated his argument that   he is not expected to push back against Bolson-
                         he had been framed. He has also given a number   aro with respect to diesel prices. However, the
                         of fiery public speeches to great acclaim, leading   fact that multiple members of the NOC’s board
                         political observers to speculate that he might be   have resigned in sympathy with the outgoing
                         able to oust the incumbent in the next presiden-  CEO is probably a sign of discontent with the
                         tial race on the grounds that his approval ratings   president within Petrobras’ ranks. If so, Luna
                         are presently much more favourable than those   may have difficulty bringing the company in
                         of Bolsonaro.                        line with Bolsonaro’s wishes in the run-up to the
                                                              next election. ™
                         Paths to the presidency
                         It is still too early to predict a loss for Bolsonaro,
                           Certainly, the current president has drawn
                         heavy criticism for his handling of the corona-
                         virus (COVID-19) pandemic and other issues
                         over the last year. But there is still more than a
                         year and a half left until the next election, which
                         is set to take place on October 2, 2022. In theory,
                         then, Bolsonaro still has time to build up sup-
                         port among voters.
                           Moreover, Lula’s return to public office is not
                         guaranteed. The decision to throw out his con-
                         viction on corruption charges was made by only
                         one member of the Supreme Court, and Brazil’s
                         Attorney General Jose Levi do Amaral has said
                         he wants the court’s other 10 justices to rule on
                         the matter.
                           Likewise, the prosecutor-general’s office is
                         expected to appeal against Fachin’s decision so   Brazil’s next election is casting a shadow (File Photo)

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