Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 10 2021
P. 10

LatAmOil                                          GUYANA                                            LatAmOil

                                                 ExxonMobil is now drilling the Koebi-1 exploration well (Image: ExxonMobil)

                         Meanwhile, she noted, representatives of the   new shaft might be completed.
                         Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and the   Liza-1 is one of 18 oilfields that ExxonMobil
                         country’s Environmental Protection Agency   and its partners China National Offshore Oil
                         (EPA) are visiting the FPSO to conduct a rou-  Corp. (CNOOC) and Hess (US) have discov-
                         tine inspection.                     ered at Stabroek to date. The block is believed
                           In related news, Persaud said separately on   to hold more than 9bn barrels of oil equivalent
                         March 9 that ExxonMobil had begun drilling   (boe) in recoverable reserves. Liza-1 came on
                         an exploration well at Koebi, another section of   stream in December 2019, and Liza-2, which
                         the Stabroek block. She told that the   will be developed by another FPSO called the
                         Stena Carron drillship had already spudded the   Liza Unity, is scheduled to follow suit in 2022.
                         Koebi-1 well at a site about 218.5 km from the   ExxonMobil aims to start production at a third
                         coast. As of press time, it was not clear when the   section, Payara, in 2024. ™

       ExxonMobil finds non-commercial

       reserves in Bulletwood-1 well

                         EXXONMOBIL (US) and its partners have
                         reportedly failed to find commercial quantities
                         of crude oil or natural gas in Bulletwood-1, the
                         first exploration well drilled at the Canje block
                         offshore Guyana.
                           According to Jersey-headquartered West-
                         mount Energy, an indirect shareholder in Canje,
                         the US super-major used the Stena Carron drill-
                         ship to sink Bulletwood-1 in 2,846-metre-deep
                         water. It drilled the wildcat well to the planned
                         target depth of 6,690 metres and “encountered
                         quality reservoirs but non-commercial hydro-
                         carbons,” Westmount reported in a statement
                         last week.
                           The company did not comment on the size
                         of the find, saying only that it was of a size that
                         made commercial development uneconomical.
                         It did note, though, that the drilling programme
                         had confirmed that the Guyana-Suriname Basin   ExxonMobil used the Stena Carron to drill Bulletwood-1 (Image: Stena Drilling)
                         petroleum system extended into the Canje
                         block.                               to share geological features with Liza-1, the only
                           ExxonMobil and the other investors in the   producing oilfield at the neighbouring Stabroek
                         project had hoped to find up to 500mn barrels of   block. (The US company also serves as operator
                         crude at the Bulletwood field, which is believed   of Stabroek.)

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   11•March•2021

                                                                     A 160-km pipeline will pump gas from Liza-1 to the coast (Image:
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