Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 10 2021
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       President Energy issues

       update for Rio Negro drilling
       programme in 2021

       AIM-listed President Energy, the energy com-
       pany with a diverse portfolio of production and
       exploration assets focused primarily in South
       America, has provided an update on its drilling
       programme in Rio Negro Province, Argentina.
         Highlights: Drilling rig contracted with site
       preparations in progress. On schedule to com-
       mence first well by end of March. Re-alignment
       of drilling order to maximise production and
       decision-making efficacy. First well to be drilled
       will be LB-1002 in the Las Bases Concession, Rio
         President has announced that it has the drill-
       ing rig under contract with Quintana Well Pro
       for its new wells to be drilled in Rio Negro prov-
       ince. Well site preparations have commenced
       and the Company expects to commence drilling
       on schedule by the end of March 2021.
         Planning has evolved since the H1-2021
       Drilling Update made on January 20, 2021. All
       of the wells are of the slim hole type and located
       near existing facilities so that they can be placed  is to make our average production more robust,  Energy brings a financially stronger operator to
       on production with no material delay or cost.  increase our well stock to greater insulate us  the project. This, combined with the proposed
         The first well to be drilled will be LB-1002  against the inevitable well down times, benefit  entry of Navitas Petroleum to Sea Lion, creates
       in the Las Bases field, as previously announced.  from economies of scale using our own pipeline  a solid operational and financial foundation giv-
       It is a gas well targeting the Centenario forma-  infrastructure and get these gas wells drilled on  ing the project the strongest possible chance of
       tion with a target depth of 1,300 metres, time  budget and in time for the more favourable win-  progressing.”
       to drill is estimated at 10 days and a projected  ter price environment.”  Rockhopper Exploration, March 05 2021
       cost of $1.4mn. As indicated in the previous   President Energy, March 09 2021
       announcement, President projects 40,000 cubic
       metres per day (circa 230 boepd) initial produc-  Rockhopper extends     SERVICES
       tion. The original projected depth of the well
       has been extended to take in further deeper   petroleum licences for     Fugro conducts seep survey
       potential pay zones in the formation shown in
       the seismic data. Extensive logs will be taken to   North Falkland basin assets and geochemical campaign
       improve understanding of the formation and its
       producibility.                      Rockhopper Exploration, the oil and gas explo-  for Petronas Suriname
         The second and third gas wells will now be  ration and production company with key inter-
       at the Estancia Vieja field. These are twins of  ests in the North Falkland Basin, has announced,  Fugro is conducting a seep survey and geochem-
       old wells that have suffered casing collapses,  following discussions between the joint venture  ical campaign in Block 48, offshore Suriname,
       but prior to which showed proven gas produc-  partners, Harbour Energy and the Falkland  for Petronas Suriname E&P (PSEPBV). PSEPBV
       tion. The wells EV-1001 twinning the old well  Islands Government (FIG), that FIG has agreed  is a subsidiary of Petronas, a global energy and
       EV x-1 (which produced in December until the  to extend each of the Company’s North Falkland  solutions partner ranked amongst the largest
       collapse) and EV-1002 twinning the old well  Basin Petroleum Licences, including the Sea  corporations in the Fortune Global 500.
       EV-4 have each a target depth of 1,850 metres,  Lion Discovery Area, until November 1, 2022,   The work for PSEBV is being conducted from
       an estimated drilling time of 12 days and a cost  with no additional licence commitments.  the survey vessel MV Fugro Brasilis and involves
       of $1.6mn.                             The Licences were previously due to expire  geophysical data collection, heat flow measure-
         The Company projects initial production  on May 1, 2021.               ments, core sampling and onboard geochemical
       from each of these wells at 60,000 cubic metres   Samuel Moody, ceo, commented: “The Com-  analyses, which aim to optimise future explora-
       per day (circa 350 boepd).          pany is grateful to the Falkland Islands Govern-  tion activities in this frontier area.
         Peter Levine, Chairman, commented: “Pres-  ment for the extension of its North Falkland   The fieldwork for the campaign will run
       ident continues on its stated work trajectory  Basin licence interests and continued support  through the first quarter of 2021, with subse-
       with a prudent level of optimism supported by  of the Sea Lion project. The proposed merger  quent geochemical analyses and final reports
       robust pricing for our gas offerings. The mission  of Premier Oil and Chrysaor to create Harbour  delivered in May 2021.

       Week 10   11•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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