Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 10 2021
P. 11

LatAmOil                                         GUYANA                                            LatAmOil

                         When they spudded Bulletwood-1 in January,   the local subsidiary of ExxonMobil, informed
                         Westmount said in a separate statement that the on March 10 that the Stena Carron
                         well would “[target] a Liza look-alike, confined   drillship was expected to spud Jabillo-1 “later
                         channel complex of Late Cretaceous, Campa-  this week.”)
                         nian age.”                             Westmount has said that Canje may turn out
                           Last week, though, it noted that the partners   to hold a total of 10bn barrels of oil. This would
                         were now looking to explore other sections of   make it even larger than Stabroek, which is cur-
                         Canje and would sink two more exploration   rently estimated to contain 9bn barrels.
                         wells before the end of this year. Work on the   Equity in the Canje project is divided
                         Jabillo-1 and Sapote-1 wells is due to begin in   between ExxonMobil, with 35%; Total (France),
                         the near future, it said. It then reported in a sep-  with 35%; JHI (Canada), with 17.5%, and
                         arate statement dated March 9 that the Stena   Mid-Atlantic Oil & Gas (Guyana), with 12.5%.
                         Carron was expected to start drilling Jabillo-1   JHI, which is approximately 7.7% owned by
                         the following day. (For her part, Janelle Persaud,   Westmount, used to have a larger stake in the
                         the public and government affairs advisor for   block. However, it reduced its equity holdings

       CGX to invest $90mn in exploration

       work offshore Guyana this year

                         CANADA’S CGX Energy is preparing to spend
                         about $90mn on exploration work in Guyana’s
                         offshore zone this year.
                           The company reported last week that its
                         exploration programme would involve the
                         drilling of two exploration wells at the Coren-
                         tyne and Demerara blocks, both located offshore
                         Guyana. In a statement, it said it intended to
                         spud the first of these two, Kawa-1, at Corentyne
                         in the second half of 2021. The well design has
                         already been finalised, it noted.
                           It went on to say that Kawa-1 would be sunk
                         to a depth of around 6,500 metres in 370-metre-
                         deep water. The well will target a stratigraphic
                         trap within the Santonian interval that is
                         believed to be analogous to the oil discover-
                         ies reported further east, in Block 58 offshore
                           The statement did not say exactly when work
                         might begin on the second well – Makarapan-1,
                         which will be sunk at the Demerara block. It did
                         report that Makarapan-1 would target a sand-
                         stone reservoir in the Aptian interval. Addi-
                         tionally, it said that the well would be sunk to
                         a depth of about 3,500 metres in 1,000-metre-
                         deep water.
                           CGX and its majority shareholder Frontera   The Kawa-1 well will be drilled at Corentyne in H2-2021 (Image: Frontera)
                         Energy (Canada) said earlier this year that their
                         contractor, McDaniel & Associates Consult-  of the hydrocarbons that may be found within
                         ants, had completed an independent prospec-  the licence areas at 6.089bn barrels of oil equiv-
                         tive resource (IPR) study and report of the two   alent mean unrisked resources and 1.09bn boe
                         blocks mentioned above. They said the report,   mean risked resources. It based this figure on the
                         which evaluates all the resources of Demerara   fact that it owns 73.8% of equity in CGX, which
                         while focusing on the Corentyne Main Area and   gives it a consolidated working interest of 82.6%
                         the Corentyne North Area, concluded that these   in Corentyne and Demerara.
                         two blocks contained 32 prospects, including 27   For its part, CGX has said that its share
                         at Corentyne and five at Demerara, as of August   of amounts to 4.94bn boe in mean unrisked
                         31, 2020.                            resources and 884.11mn boe in mean risked
                           Frontera has put its own consolidated share   resources. ™

       Week 10   11•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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