Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 10 2021
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Brian Hottman, Fugro’s Director for Caribbean                            drilling rigs in Trinidad capable of drilling to
       and Pacific South America, said: “The Suri-                              depths of 10,000 feet (3,,048 metres) or more.
       name-Guyana Basin is shaping up to be a world-                             Well Testing: Touchstone has yet to test the
       class petroleum system, and PSEPBV is poised to                          targeted gas bearing zones in the Chinook-1
       be a major player in this region, as demonstrated                        and Cascadura Deep-1 exploration wells due to
       by their successful results from the Sloanea-1                           unavoidable delays associated with third-party
       exploration well located in Block 52. We look                            equipment including the natural gas testing
       forward to supporting their continued success                            unit. However, we are pleased to report that
       in the region by defining high-potential areas                           all required equipment has now been cleared
       within Block 48 and helping develop Suriname’s                           through the various levels of government organ-
       vital resources in a safe and responsible manner.”                       isations in Trinidad and is expected to be on
       Fugro, March 10 2021                reserves from the Company’s Chinook-1 and  location within the next 10 days.
                                           Cascadura Deep-1 wells drilled in the fourth   Touchstone has tested two low resistivity
                                           quarter of 2020.                     zones in the Chinook-1 well. The first test inter-
       PERFORMANCE                            Paul Baay, President and CEO, commented:  val was in the lower sub-thrust sheet, which was
                                           “Our year-end 2020 reserves evaluation pro-  a previously unknown thrust-sheet where we
       Touchstone announces                vides further independent confirmation of the  identified 68 net feet (20.73 net metres) of poten-
                                           significant opportunities that the Company  tial pay based on wireline logging data. During
       2020 year-end reserves and          has in place from our Trinidad assets. Our 1P  this test, the well recovered trace amounts of 41
                                           reserves are now significantly higher than our  degrees API sweet oil along with significant high
       operational update                  3P reserves at the same time last year, providing  pressure and high temperature water, which was
                                           greater operational and financial certainty for  indicative of encountering a fracture at the base
       Touchstone Exploration has announced a sum-  investors, and exclude any potential reserves  of the formation.
       mary of its 2020 year-end reserves and provided  from the recently drilled Chinook-1 well or Cas-  With the high volume of water, the zone is
       an operational update.              cadura Deep-1 wells. We have a lot to be excited  considered uneconomic; however, indications
         2020 Year-end Reserves Report Highlights:  about as we focus on converting our world class  of light oil prove the concept of hydrocarbons
       Increased 3P net reserves by 236% to 100,150mn  reserves to production during 2021 as well as  in the sub-thrust sheet. Based on 3D seismic
       boe, increased 2P net reserves by 194% to  expanding opportunities through additional  data, future development locations are antici-
       64,947mn boe and increased 1P net reserves by  drilling at Ortoire.”     pated to be positioned structurally up-dip by as
       189% to 34,238mn boe from the prior year. In   Operational Highlights: Tested two identi-  much as 1,000 feet (304.8 metres) from the Chi-
       comparison to 2019, 10% discounted net present  fied pay zones in the Chinook-1 well, with both  nook-1 well to evaluate the sub-thrust sheet in an
       value of future net revenues (NPV10) on a before  zones encountering potential upside in the form  optimal structural position. The Company has
       tax 3P basis increased by 90% to $1.0028bn  of light sweet crude oil. One pay zone is currently  permanently abandoned this lowermost zone
       and after tax 3P NPV10 increased by 108% to  being configured for an extended production  and completed a second zone in the Herrera
       $419.4mn. Achieved a before-tax 2P NPV10  test. Equipment has arrived in Trinidad to enable  formation which encountered 35 degrees API
       of $683.1mn, representing an increase of 72%  testing of the main gas bearing zones in the Cas-  sweet oil and is currently being configured for
       from $397.9mn reported in 2019 and realised  cadura Deep-1 well, where significant hydrocar-  an extended oil production test. We anticipate
       an annual after tax 2P NPV10 increase of 88%  bon accumulations were reported in December  conducting the first natural gas test at the Casca-
       to $289.2mn. Realised before tax 1P NPV10 of  based on drilling and wireline logging data.  dura Deep-1 well while the Chinook-1 well is on
       $362.9mn, representing an increase of $160.7mn  Testing of the potential gas bearing sands in the  the extended oil production test.
       or 79% from the prior year and increased after  Chinook-1 well will commence following the   Coho-1 Tie-in: On January 22, 2021, the
       tax 1P NPV10 by 95% from year-end 2019 to  extended crude oil test.      Company received approval to proceed with the
       $163.0mn. Realised 1P F&D costs of $1.26 per   We continue to target the second quarter of  construction of the Coho-1 tie-in project. Subse-
       boe, resulting in a recycle ratio 11.3 times using  2021 for initial Ortoire gas commercialisation,  quent to the required initial notification period,
       our unaudited annual estimated 2020 operat-  with final regulatory approvals for the tie-in  construction operations have commenced.
       ing netback of $14.29 per boe. Touchstone’s low  of our Coho-1 well received and construction  Touchtone is targeting initial gas production
       F&D costs are primarily attributed to our mean-  underway. Working with the National Gas Com-  from Coho-1 in the second quarter of 2021.
       ingful 2020 reserves growth from our Casca-  pany of Trinidad and Tobago to commence reg-  In conjunction with the project, we have also
       dura-1ST1 well discovery. Recognised 2P F&D  ulatory applications to tie-in Cascadura and any  been working with Natural Gas Co. (NGC) of
       costs of $0.71 per boe, resulting in a 2P recycle  potential Chinook production volumes, with the  Trinidad and Tobago to survey and commence
       ratio of 20.3 times, demonstrating Touchstone’s  objective of achieving initial production prior to  regulatory applications to tie-in Cascadura and
       capital efficient operations in the Ortoire block.  the end of 2021.     any potential Chinook production volumes,
       FDC associated with only a portion of our inter-  The primary access road to the Royston-1  with a goal to achieve initial production prior to
       nally identified drilling location inventory and  well location has been cleared, and we have  the end of 2021. The Company is concurrently
       low-risk recompletion projects totaled $55.9mn  commenced road resurfacing and lease build-  applying for two additional surface locations at
       for 1P reserves and $83.9mn for both 2P and 3P  ing operations. Initiated line clearing for the  both Cascadura and Chinook which will allow
       reserves. The Cascadura assessment area was  21-kilometre 2D seismic programme in the  for up to 16 development locations.
       assigned gross working interest 1P reserves of  Royston area. Expected to enter into a mini-  Royston Drilling Preparations: Touchstone
       23,622mn boe and gross working interest 2P  mum three-year drilling services contract from  is pleased to report that we have cleared the pri-
       reserves of 45,030mn boe with an estimated  a Canadian-based private company to supply an  mary access road to the Royston-1 drilling loca-
       before tax 2P NPV10 of $411.8mn.    ultra-heavy telescopic drilling rig to Trinidad in  tion and are currently surfacing the road and
         The Reserves Report excluded any potential  late 2021, which will enable us access to three  performing lease preparations.

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   11•March•2021
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