Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 10 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                        ARGENTINA                                           LatAmOil

                         Additionally, it stated that more than half of all   did offer to deliver 2.5 mcm in June, 3 mcm per
                         gas produced in Argentina in January had come   day in July, 3.5 mcm per day in August and 3
                         from Neuquen Province, which turned out   mcm per day in September. Meanwhile, they
                         62.11 mcm per day, down by 14% y/y. (Uncon-  said, Pampa offered 700,000 cubic metres per
                         ventional gas made up fully 69% of the Neuquen   day in June, 900,000 cubic metres per day in July,
                         figure, according to data released by provincial   1 mcm per day in August and 1 mcm per day in
                         authorities.)                        September.
                           The decline in January represented a contin-  These relatively low numbers are worrying,
                         uation of last year’s downward trend. Argentina   given that Argentina had been hoping the auc-
                         saw gas output slip to 123 mcm per day in 2020,   tions would secure 9.51 mcm per day of gas in
                         down by 8.6% y/y.                    May, 21 mcm per day in June, 26.05 mcm per
                           The secretariat’s dataset was made public   day in July, 19.12 mcm per day in August and
                         around the same time that Argentina’s gov-  9.21 mcm per day in September. They raise the
                         ernment revealed that the response to its sup-  prospect that the country will not be able to
                         plemental auction on February 20 had been   obtain enough gas to meet domestic demand
                         disappointing. According to officials in Buenos   during the Southern Hemisphere’s heating sea-
                         Aires, only two local companies participated   son, which is due to begin in May.
                         in the sale – namely, Tecpetrol, a subsidiary of   Even so, the government recently indicated
                         Argentina’s Techint Group, and Pampa Energía.  that it hoped to sign a short-term lease for a
                           The officials indicated that neither Tecpetrol   floating regasification unit (FRU) that could
                         nor Pampa had offered to supply any gas in the   import LNG. It has launched a tender for the
                         month of May. They also reported that Tecpetrol   lease contract, Argus Media said last week. ™

       PetroEcuador to drill at ITT block this year

                         ECUADOR’S national oil company (NOC)   then-President Rafael Correa’s effort to secure
                         PetroEcuador is set to launch a new drilling pro-  international funding in exchange for not devel-
                         gramme later this year in order to raise crude   oping the park, which is home to several indig-
                         oil production levels at the Ishpingo-Tamboco-  enous communities, in the Amazon river basin
                         cha-Tiputini (ITT) fields.           stalled. PetroEcuador’s statement quoted Mal-
                           In a statement dated March 9, PetroEcuador’s   donado as saying that the company intended to
                         general manager, Gonzalo Maldonado, said the   continue developing ITT “hand in hand with
                         company would drill eight wells at Tambococha   environmentally responsible policies.”
                         in 2021 and would then install two additional   PetroEcuador accounts for fully 80% of
                         rigs at Ishpingo so that it could drill 72 more   Ecuador’s total oil production. It extracted an
                         wells in 2022. He indicated that these efforts   average of 479,250 bpd of crude in 2020, down
                         would bring the total number of wells sunk at   by 9.5% on the figure reported for 2019. ™
                         the block up from 168 to 248.
                           The general manager went on to say that he
                         expected the ITT block’s yields to average 60,000
                         barrels per day this year, slightly up from the
                         year-to-date figure of 59,471 bpd. Production
                         levels will rise more dramatically in 2022, as
                         each of the new wells drilled at Ishpingo will be
                         able to produce 600-3,000 bpd of oil, he added.
                           Maldonado did not disclose the cost of the
                         drilling programme. “We’re defining some
                         budget parameters to continue the drill cam-
                         paign in 2021 and then in 2022,” he commented.
                           He also reported that PetroEcuador was
                         constructing a new processing plant at Tiputini
                         within the framework of the project. Work on
                         this facility, which will be able to handle 80,000
                         bpd, is already 76% complete, he was quoted as
                         saying in the statement.
                           The ITT block is located in the Amazon
                         Oriente basin in eastern Ecuador, within
                         the highly biodiverse Yasuni National Park.
                         The NOC began working there in 2016, after   The ITT block overlaps with the Yasuni National Park (Image:

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   11•March•2021
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