Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 10 2021
P. 17

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The Royston well will be drilled using Well Ser-  agreements, which squarely position the com-  international institutional investors pursuant to
       vices Rig #60 targeting a total depth of approx-  pany for organic growth in a prolific hydro-  and in compliance with applicable exemptions
       imately 11,500 feet (3,510 metres). The drilling  carbon area in Colombia, unlock valuable oil  from relevant registration, filing and prospectus
       rig is scheduled to move onto location early in  production in Argentina and further strengthen  requirements, and subject to other applicable
       the second quarter of 2021.         Interoil’s financial flexibility. We look forward to  selling restrictions. The minimum subscription
         Drilling Rig Contract: Given our explora-  a successful collaboration with our partners SLS  amount in the private placement will be NOK
       tion success, the Company expects to execute  and Quantum Resources as well as Velitec SA.”  10,000. The Private Placement will be exempt
       a contract with a Canadian based private com-  Drilling of the Mazorca well in the Altair  from prospectus requirements in Norway as the
       pany to provide state of the art drilling equip-  block will commence shortly. As part of the  maximum offer size is below EUR 10mn.
       ment commencing in late 2021. The contractor  agreement, SLS and Quantum Resources will   The net proceeds from the Private Placement
       will deploy a North American based drilling rig  retain a 22% equity interest in the well and cover  will be used for capital investments in the well
       equipped for us to evaluate the deep targets at  50% of the drilling expense. The cost of the well is  farmed-out to SLS and Quantum Resources. The
       Royston, Cascadura and Chinook, along with  estimated at between $3.0mn (for dry well) and  Company decided that the best alternative is to
       drilling on our legacy crude oil development  $3.3mn (for a successful discovery).  raise the necessary funding for the exploration
       properties. Pursuant to the current terms of the   The well will target multiple objectives along  wells through this Private Placement.
       drilling contract, Touchstone must utilise the rig  its path where the primary exploration target is   Interoil, March 04 2021
       for a minimum of 120 days per year over an ini-  the Gacheta formation (3,000 metres depth),
       tial three-year term and is obligated to pay for  which is an important producing formation
       rig mobilisation costs, which are currently esti-  in the Llanos Basin and has shown hydrocar-  INVESTMENT
       mated to be approximately $1mn. This arrange-  bon potential in the Altair Block, specially the
       ment, in combination with our current drilling  Mizar-1 well, which has produced sweet 20 API   PetroRio buys additional
       services provider, will give the Company access  oil at 337 bpd and Altair-1, which has shown oil
       to three drilling rigs capable of drilling to depths  but never tested due to mechanical problems   interest in Wahoo from Total
       of 10,000 feet (3,048 metres) or more on the  when casing the well for testing. Interoil esti-
       Ortoire block as well as the Company’s legacy oil  mates Mazorca’s prospective resources to reach  PetroRio has announced the signing of an agree-
       development properties.             1.5mn barrels with a 36% Probability of Success  ment with Total E&P do Brasil Ltda. for the
       Touchstone Exploration, March 05 2021  (PoS). Interoil’s exploration commitment at  acquisition of a 28.6% interest in the BM-C-30
                                           Altair will be fulfilled with this new well.  Block (Wahoo field). Together with the interest
       Interoil signs farm-out             and production, 100% of the net oil operating  this transaction will bring PetroRio’s interest to
                                              If the well results in commercial discovery  in Wahoo acquired from BP in November 2019,
       deals in Colombia and               income (oil sales after royalties and lifting costs)  64.3% of the concession after the acquisitions are
                                           will be allocated to repay the investments. Once  concluded, both subject to conditions precedent.
       Argentina and announces             investment pay-out is reached, then the net oil   formation test carried out in 2010, has produc-
                                                                                  Wahoo, with oil discoveries in 2008 and
                                           operating income will be split as per equity inter-
       small private placement             est with 78% share to Interoil.      tion potential of over 140mn barrels (100% of
                                                                                Wahoo). The Company has estimated average
                                              Plans in Argentina involve downhole inter-
       In Colombia, Interoil has signed a farm-out  vention in two wells in MMO plus the refur-  initial productivity of over 10,000 bpd per well
       agreement with SLS and Quantum Resources for  bishing and certification approval of the surface  and total production that can exceed 40,000 bpd
       the drilling of the remaining committed explor-  facilities in LM#3. The gas produced will then  in Wahoo, based on the formation test made in
       atory well (Mazorca) in the Altair block. This  be used to fuel surface facilities (production and  the pilot well.
       agreement is subject to Interoil’s obtainment  treatment equipment) for the re-opening of oil   The Wahoo base project covers the drilling of
       of the funding required to meet its obligations  production from an initial 15 wells aiming at  four producer wells and two injector wells and
       under the farm-out agreement. The subscription  reaching around 120 bpd, up from the current  the tie-back between the wells and the Frade
       of the small private placement announced herein  17 bpd.                 FPSO. The expected CAPEX of the project is
       constitutes a Company action aimed at securing   The investment of this programme is esti-  composed of $300mn for the tieback, $360mn
       such funding.                       mated at $850,000, which will be funded and  for well drilling, $100mn for subsea equipment,
         In Argentina, Interoil has signed an agree-  carried out 100% by Velitec SA, and repaid with  and $40mn for adjustments to the Frade FPSO
       ment with Velitec to invest in the re-opening of  50% of the net oil sales. Interoil will retain all  and other items.
       15 wells in the Mata Magallanes Oeste (MMO)  equity in the license.      PetroRio, March 05 2021
       oil field, including the reconditioning of the   MMO’s oil production will be trucked to
       nearby dispatch battery at the Las Mesetas #3  LM#3, a dispatch battery placed in the nearby
       (LM#3), located within Las Mesetas Field treat-  Las Mesetas field and then either sold directly
       ment facility (currently owned and operated by  at site or pumped through a YPF oil pipeline
       YPF).                               to TERMAP, an export terminal, located in the
         Interoil is further announcing a Private  city of Caleta Olivia. The LM#3 export alterna-
       Placement of new shares of up to (NOK equiva-  tive further strengthens MMO’s economic and
       lent) EUR 999,999. The successful completion of  operational performance.
       this share issue shall provide the Company with   The Company is announcing a small pri-
       funds required to trigger the start of drilling  vate placement of new shares in the Company
       activities at the Mazorca well in the Altair Block.  with gross proceeds of up to the NOK equiva-
         Leandro Carbone, CEO of Interoil, com-  lent of EUR 999,999. The Private Placement
       mented: “We are very enthusiastic about these  is directed towards Norwegian investors and

       Week 10   11•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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