Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 10 2021
P. 12

LatAmOil                                        SURINAME                                            LatAmOil

                                                Keskesi East-1 is the fourth exploration well drilled at Block 58 (Image: Total)

       Total, APA halt work at Keskesi East-1

                         TOTAL (France) and APA (US) have halted   crude oil and gas condensate in the well’s Upper
                         drilling work on Keskesi East-1, the fourth   Cretaceous-aged Campanian and Santonian
                         exploration well drilled at Block 58 offshore   intervals. At that time, they also stated that they
                         Suriname.                            intended to drill to greater depths in order to
                           APA, formerly known as Apache, announced   evaluate targets in the Neocomian intervals.
                         the suspension of drilling in a statement dated   Since then, Total and APA have encoun-
                         March 9. It explained the decision by saying that   tered additional quantities of “hydrocarbons in
                         reservoir pressures had risen as work on the Kes-  the Lower Cretaceous interval and a carbonate
                         kesi East-1 well proceeded.          depositional system above the top Neocomian
                           “As drilling progressed, the well encoun-  target,” the statement said. These results are
                         tered substantial pressure increases that APA   “encouraging,” as they serve to validate the part-
                         and Total determined could ultimately exceed   ners’ existing geological models, but they do not
                         the capabilities of the wellbore design and pres-  offer any specific insights into the Neocomian
                         sure control equipment,” the US-based company   intervals, it commented.
                         said. “Consequently, the partners decided to
                         conclude drilling operations at Keskesi before   Next steps
                         reaching the Neocomian targets.”     According to previous reports, the companies’
                           Now that work on the well is complete, the   next target is the Bonboni section of Block 58.
                         partners are slated to release the Noble Sam   The statement did not say when APA and Total
                         Croft drillship from the site, as previously   were expected to spud their next exploration
                         planned. They will also use the data gathered   well.
                         from the well to “design a wellbore and drilling   In related news, Ricardo Darré, the direc-
                         programme that will ensure a safe test of the   tor of Total’s operations in Suriname, said last
                         deep Neocomian targets in future exploration   week that another drillship was due to arrive at
                         and/or appraisal operations,” APA said.  the block within the next few weeks. This ves-
                           This is not the first time that high pressures   sel is due to spud Maka Central-2, the second
                         have been noted at Block 58. APA reported sim-  appraisal well at the Maka section, in the second
                         ilar problems when it sought to drill down to the   half of March, he was quoted as saying by De
                         Turonian intervals at Maka Central-1, the first   Ware Tijd newspaper.
                         well sunk at Block 58.                 Darré also stated that Total and APA
                           In the statement, the company pointed out   expected to begin commercial production at
                         that the partners had already made a discovery   Block 58 in 2025. This will represent a rapid
                         at Keskesi East-1. They announced the find in   ramp-up in development, given that the first
                         mid-January, saying that they had encountered   discovery was made in 2020, he noted. ™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   11•March•2021
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