Page 25 - FSUOGM Annual Review 2021
P. 25

FSUOGM                                         DECEMBER                                            FSUOGM

       Gazprom says it will use windfall

       gas crisis cash to up boost capex

       Gazprom has raised its investment plan for 2022 and is likely to increase it

       further over the course of next year

        RUSSIA           CAPITAL spending levels at Russia’s Gazprom  allocated to the Amur gas processing plant that
                         are once again creeping upwards, as the com-  handles these supplies.
       WHAT:             pany prepares to ramp up gas supplies to China   Arctic spending
       Gazprom plans to boost   and expand development in the Russian Arctic   Moving up north, Gazprom said some of
       capex next year.  The state-owned gas supplier has abandoned its  the funds would go towards additional devel-
                         promise of less than two years ago to be more  opment at fields on the Yamal Peninsula. Yamal
       WHY:              fiscal prudent, spurred on by soaring gas prices  is tipped to become Russia’s biggest hub for gas
       The company has   that have led to a spike in its profits.  production. This will come on the back of field
       abandoned its fiscal   Under a programme announced on Novem-  development by Novatek, which is ramping up
       restraint following record   ber 26, the company plans to invest RUB1.76  LNG exports to Asia and Europe, and Gazprom,
       profits off the back of the   trillion ($23.3bn) in 2022, up from a target of  which has set sights on expanding pipeline sup-
       gas crisis.       RUB1.185 trillion for this year. Gazprom’s actual  plies to Europe and sending additional volumes
                         capital expenditure next year is expected to come  to China via a planned second pipeline through
       WHAT NEXT:        to RUB1.4 trillion, but additional funds in the  Mongolia.
       If ambitious projects like   investment programme will go towards long-  The only Gazprom field on Yamal currently
       a second gas pipeline   term financial investments and the purchase of  in production is Bovanenkovo, but this project
       to China go ahead,   long-term assets, its management has said. Bor-  alone has a capacity of 115 bcm per year, most of
       Gazprom's spending   rowing from outside the company is expected to  which is shipped to Europe. Gazprom kicked off
       levels will remain high for   total RUB272.8bn in 2022.  development drilling at a second, neighbouring
       years to come.      These funds will partly be allocated towards  field called Kharasaveyskoye in June last year,
                         additional upstream development in Eastern  and this will contribute a further 32 bcm per year
                         Siberia. Gazprom has been sending gas to China  of supply under its first, 230-well phase.
                         since December 2019 and is now investing in   Kharasaveyskoye is due on stream in 2023,
                         expanding supply at the Chayandinskoye field  according to the official schedule, although
                         in the Yakutia region, which at full capacity is  recently Gazprom has spoken of fast-tracking
                         expected to flow 25bn cubic metres (bcm) per  some of its upcoming upstream projects in light
                         year of gas. In the mid-2020s it also intends to  of the supply crunch in Europe.
                         commission the Kovyktinskoye field in the   Another of Gazprom’s largest fields on Yamal
                         neighbouring Irkutsk region, which will have a  is Tambey, which the company has teamed up
                         similar peak capacity.               with private partner Rusgasdobycha to develop.
                           Gazprom also has to fund further develop-  The pair formed a joint venture for the project in
                         ment of the Power of Siberia pipeline that deliv-  November, and the next step will be the transfer
                         ers this gas to China. And investment will also be  of licences to the partnership, which should take

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