Page 22 - FSUOGM Annual Review 2021
P. 22

FSUOGM                                           OCTOBER                                            FSUOGM

       Severe energy crisis

       looms in Moldova

       Moldova stands on the brink of a severe energy crisis after a cut in supplies from Gazprom

        MOLDOVA          MOLDOVA stands on the brink of a severe  the government was doing all it could to ensure
                         energy crisis, with Russia’s Gazprom having  Moldova’s energy security. It has approved the
       WHAT:             warned the former Soviet state that it could cut  emergency purchase of gas from other sources,
       Moldova has declared a   off gas supplies at the start of next month unless  and has released emergency reserves of fuel oil
       state of emergency amid   a contract is signed and bills are paid.  to provide a source of heating during the cold
       gas shortages.      Moldova, a country of 2.6mn people, gets all  winter weather.
                         its gas from Russia. But its long-term contract   The government has even reached out to
       WHY:              with Gazprom expired at the end of Septem-  authorities in the breakaway region of Transn-
       Gazprom is sending less   ber. A one-month agreement covering October  istria, to obtain assurances that the 2,520-MW
       gas and charging more,   shipments was reached mere hours before the  Kurchurgan gas-fired power plant will continue
       following the expiry of a   previous contract expired, which, according to  supplying electricity to the rest of the country in
       supply contract at the   gas transmission system operator (GTSO) Mol-  the agreed amounts.
       end of September.  dovagaz, means that Gazprom could not book   Talks between Russia and Moldova on agree-
                         sufficient gas transit capacity through Ukraine  ing a new contract have failed to make progress,
       WHAT NEXT:        during the month. As such, the Russian gas sup-  and Gazprom warned on October 23 that sup-
       Moldova needs to secure   plier is only sending enough gas to cover a third  plies to the country could cease completely at the
       alternative sources of   of demand, and Moldova lacks any gas storage  start of November unless a new agreement is in
       supply. But the country   capacity.                    place and Chisinau has paid its bills. The com-
       will struggle to secure   Moldova is also paying a much higher price  pany estimates that Moldova’s government has
       much gas to ease the   for gas, as the current short-term contract is  racked up a debt of $709mn for supplies so far.
       current crisis.   linked to hub prices rather than being oil-in-  The sticking point in negotiations is of course
                         dexed. The country is therefore paying $790 per  price. For years, Moldova has been pushing to
                         1,000 cubic metres for supplies in October, or  pay a hub-based price for the Russian gas it buys.
                         almost five times more than it paid in 2020.  Hub-based prices have typically been lower than
                           The situation took a turn for the worse on  those under Gazprom’s oil-indexed contracts
                         October 22, when the Moldovan government  over the last decade, owing to a glut in global
                         declared a 30-day state of emergency over the gas  LNG supply. But the situation has reversed
                         shortages. Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita said  this year, and Moldova is seeking a return to oil

       P22                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                               Annual Review•2021
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