Page 24 - FSUOGM Annual Review 2021
P. 24

FSUOGM                                          NOVEMBER                                            FSUOGM

       Belarus in no position to threaten

       Europe on energy

       Belarus is in no position to make threats given its political dependency on Moscow

        BELARUS          OIL markets were bullish on November 18  foreign ministry has dismissed accusations
                         after Belarus’ oil pipeline operator temporarily  that Belarus is engineering the border crisis as
       WHAT:             restricted oil flows to Poland, amid an escalating  “absurd.” Minsk has vowed to retaliate against
       Belarus has disrupted oil   migrant crisis on the countries’ shared border.  any EU sanctions.
       transit via Druzhba for   The official reason for the disruption was   Relations between Belarus and the EU col-
       maintenance, and has   unscheduled maintenance, Polish pipeline oper-  lapsed after Lukashenko declared victory in
       made threats to cut gas   ator PERN Group said on November 18, noting  presidential elections last year that have been
       supplies via Yamal-  it had been informed by Russia’s Transneft pipe-  widely rejected as neither free nor fair. Brussels
       Europe as well.   line monopoly that “oil pumping to Poland and  has already imposed sanctions on Belarus’ val-
                         Germany will be slightly reduced.”   uable exports of oil products and potash, but
       WHY:                “The monthly volume of raw material will be  the country is understood to be diverting some
       Belarus is a key route   fulfilled as expected. The Polish oil system is fully  shipments via Russian territory to get around the
       for Russian oil and gas   secured and operates continuously,” it said.  ban.
       heading to Europe.  Russian oil flows to Europe via a network of    
                         pipelines that run through Belarus and other  What next?
       WHAT NEXT:        Eastern European countries, collectively known  Regardless of the real reasons for the disrup-
       Belarus is politically   as the Druzhba. Small-scale disruptions are rel-  tion at Druzhba, the Lukashenko regime is
       dependent on Moscow   atively common – as recently as July supplies  unlikely to take any drastic steps to curtail Rus-
       and therefore has little   were limited owing to modernisation work tak-  sian energy supplies that flow through Belarus
       power to meddle with   ing place at a refinery in Germany. In June, oil  to Europe.
       Russian energy exports.  pumping was suspended in Slovakia as a result   When threatening to cut gas transit via
                         of pipeline repairs.                 Yamal-Europe, Lukashenko claimed that Bela-
                           The impact of a full-scale disruption was  rus was “heating [Europe’s] homes, but the
                         demonstrated in 2019, when millions of barrels  reality is that this is Russia’s role, and Moscow
                         of Russian oil that were pumped into the system  would retaliate against Minsk if it tried to disrupt
                         were found to have been contaminated with  supplies. The strongman leader likely sought to
                         organic chlorides, chemicals used for oil extrac-  unnerve Europe at a time when the continent’s
                         tion that can cause damage to refining equip-  gas market is already extremely tight.
                         ment if not removed.                   Russia stands accused of curtailing gas sup-
                           The latest issue comes just days after Belaru-  ply to Europe, although exactly how much gas
                         sian President Alexander Lukashenko threat-  it has to spare is unclear. There are also con-
                         ened to cut off gas flow via the Yamal-Europe  straints with LNG supply, as premium prices in
                         pipeline, causing gas prices in Europe to spike.  Asia have led to more trade being diverted there.
                         It has therefore raised suspicions that the down-  Meanwhile, Algeria has halted gas supply to
                         time is connected with the broader dispute  Spain via Morocco over a long-standing dispute
                         between Belarus and Europe.          over territory with its North African neighbour.
                           The Belarusian government stands accused of   At the same time, gas storage levels in Europe
                         effectively using migrants as a political weapon.  are falling at a concerning rate, while demand
                         Reports claim it has been flying in thousands  has been robust as a result of cold weather, eco-
                         of migrants from war-torn areas of the Middle  nomic recovery and a high carbon price, which
                         East and sending them to its western border,  has encouraged more coal-to-gas switching in
                         putting pressure on Polish border controls. The  the power sector.
                         EU decided on November 15 to impose new   Yet despite these circumstances, Belarus is in
                         sanctions against Belarus, and the measures  no position to exert real pressure on the EU in
                         should be finalised in the coming days. The EU’s  the energy sector or in any other area. Described
                         top diplomat Josep Borrel said this fifth package  as the last dictator in Europe, Lukashenko’s
                         of sanctions had been agreed with bloc foreign  strategy for power over the years and securing
                         ministers and would target airlines, travel agen-  concessions both from Russia and the West has
                         cies and individuals involved in “this illegal push  been playing the two sides against each other.
                         of migrants.”                        Since the last presidential election, this strategy
                           Poland estimates that there have been more  is no longer possible, as the EU no longer rec-
                         than 5,000 irregular attempts to cross its bor-  ognises Lukashenko as the legitimate leader of
                         der so far this month, although the Belarusian  Belarus.™

       P24                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                               Annual Review•2021
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