Page 23 - FSUOGM Annual Review 2021
P. 23

FSUOGM                                         OCTOBER                                             FSUOGM

                                                                                                  The Kuchurgan power
                                                                                                  plant in Transnistria
                                                                                                  provides much of
                                                                                                  Moldova's power supply
                                                                                                  and is Russian-owned.

                         indexation.                          Not only is Gazprom the main owner of GTSO
                           According to Interfax sources, Gazprom  Moldovagaz, but another Russian company Inter
                         has offered Moldova “a fair market price with  RAO also controls the Kurchurgan power plant
                         an additional 25% discount” on supplies. But it  that supplies most of the country’s electricity. It
                         has asked Moldova in return to pay off around  has exploited its dominant position in Moldo-
                         $700mn of debt it has accumulated on gas pur-  van energy to slow down market reforms and
                         chases over the past three years. Moldova says it  prevent the country from accessing alternative
                         does not have the funds to pay off this debt, and  sources of energy.
                         it is seeking a 50% discount on gas supplies, the   However, it is harder to argue that Gazprom
                         news agency has reported.            can be blamed for the current situation in Mol-
                           “In these conditions, the conclusion of a  dova. After all, it was Chisinau that asked to pay a
                         new long-term gas contract before November  hub-based price for gas rather than sticking with
                         1 is highly doubtful and there are high risks of  oil indexation. Moldova also delayed signing a
                         a complete cessation of Russian gas supplies to  new long-term contract for several years, as it
                         Moldova after this date,” a source close to the  was holding out for more lucrative terms.
                         negotiations told Interfax.            The good news for Moldova is that Ukraine
                                                              has promised to lend some gas to the country,
                         Who’s to blame                       and Chisinau is continuing talks to obtain some
                         Gazprom has faced criticism for the situation  supplies from Poland and Romania. A new pipe-
                         in Moldova and for exacerbating the broader  line to bring Romanian gas all the way to Chisi-
                         European energy crisis. EU lawmakers want the  nau is almost ready.
                         European Commission to investigate the Rus-  This said, gas markets are tight across Europe
                         sian company for abusing its dominant position  and it is unclear whether its neighbours can pro-
                         in the European gas market, and the Commis-  vide enough supply to avert heating and electric-
                         sion itself has said the crisis has geopolitical  ity outages. And as it is not an EU member, there
                         undertones, referring to Russian activity.  is nothing to compel these countries to send gas
                           European Commission President Ursula von  to vulnerable consumers in Moldova.
                         der Leyen on October 21 even described what   Regardless of whether a new contract is
                         was happening in Moldova as a case study in  signed with Russia by the end of the month or
                         how Russia uses gas as a geopolitical tool.  not, at this stage Russia will not have the time to
                                                              book sufficient transit capacity through Ukraine
                           It is true that Russia has sought to maintain  to cover supplies in full during November. Short-
                         control of Moldova’s energy sector over the years.  ages are therefore set to persist. ™

       Annual Review•2021                       www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P23
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