Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 44 2022
P. 13

NorthAmOil                   NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                     NorthAmOil

       NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)

        GLOBAL           WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  had directed Ukrainian drone strike attacks
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  on Russia’s Black Sea fleet in Crimea earlier on
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  October 29 were also behind the Nord Stream
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  pipelines’ sabotage.
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline link  FSUOGM: Japan reportedly seeks to re-
                         for each section the full text will be available as  main at Sakhalin-1
                         before.                              Japan’s government has said it intends to remain
                                                              involved in the previously ExxonMobil-led
                         AfrOil: Somalia green-lights Coastline’s ex-  Sakhalin-1 oil and gas project, Nikkei reported
                         ploration plans                      on October 31, in order to safeguard its energy
                         US-based Coastline Exploration announced on  security. ExxonMobil until recently had a 30%
                         October 21 that it had secured a green light from  interest in Sakhalin-1, but announced its inten-
                         the Federal Government of Somalia for explo-  tion to withdraw from the project in March fol-
                         ration work covering seven offshore deepwater  lowing the launch of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
                         blocks. Coastline had signed production-shar-
                         ing agreements for all seven blocks this Febru-  GLNG: Philippines prepares for entry into
                         ary with Abdirashid Mohamed Ahmed, then  LNG sector
                         serving as Somalia’s Minister of Petroleum and  The Philippines will next year mark its entry into
                         Mineral Resources.                   the world of LNG with the opening of three LNG
                                                              terminals that will enable the country to reduce
                         AsianOil: Jadestone drops plans to buy  carbon output in line with its green energy goals
                         OMV’s  stake  in  the  Maari  field  off  New  and also to replace natural gas that now comes
                         Zealand                              from the Philippines’ dwindling Malampaya
                         Austria’s OMV has dropped plans to divest  gas field, which will be depleted by 2027. The
                         its 69% interest in the Maari field off the coast  three regasification terminals will be operated
                         of New Zealand to Asia-focused Jadestone  by Singapore-based Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific
                         Energy because of regulatory delays – a deal  (AG&P), the Philippines’ First Gen Corpora-
                         that the pair agreed to enter into in 2019. Jade-  tion and Energy World Corporation, which is
                         stone said in a statement last week that it had  Australia-listed.
                         engaged with OMV following changes to New
                         Zealand’s upstream regulatory framework at  LatAmOil: Brazil’s oil and gas output tops
                         the end of last year, and had also worked with  4mn boepd
                         the government to seek clarity on the pro-  Brazil’s hydrocarbon production hit 4.048mn
                         cesses, terms and associated timeframe needed  barrels of oil equivalent per day in September
                         to complete the deal.                2022, according to data released by the country’s
                                                              National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and
                         DMEA: Saudi Kayan moves from profit to  Biofuels (ANP). This is only the second time that
                         loss in Q3 2022                      monthly output has ever topped 4mn boepd.
                         Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Co., a Jubail-
                         based manufacturer of chemicals, polymers  MEOG:  Energean  delivers  first  gas  from
                         and specialty products, sustained a loss in the  Karish
                         third quarter of 2022 after operating in the  London-listed explorer Energean this week
                         black in the same period of the previous year.  delivered first gas from the Karish field off-
                         According to a statement filed with the Tad-  shore Israel through its Energean Power float-
                         awul exchange in Riyadh, the company lost  ing production, storage and offloading unit.
                         SAR812.27mn ($216.15mn) between July and  Gas began to flow the day after Israel gave the
                         September, marking its largest quarterly loss  go-ahead after years of preparation, planning
                         since its initial stock exchange listing on Octo-  and controversy.
                         ber 1, 2011.
                                                              NorthAmOil: Teck to sell share of Fort Hills
                         EurOil: Russia accuses UK of blowing up  oil sands project to Suncor for $737mn
                         Nord Stream pipelines                Canadian miner Teck Resources will sell its
                         Russia’s defence ministry has accused Brit-  stake in the Fort Hills oil sands project to Sun-
                         ish Navy personnel of blowing up the Nord  cor Energy for CAD1bn ($737mn). Teck said
                         Stream pipelines – a claim that the UK govern-  it is shifting its focus to copper in an effort to
                         ment has rejected, describing it as an attempt  reduce its involvement in carbon.
                         to distract from Russian military setbacks in
                         Ukraine. Without providing evidence, the  See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
                         ministry said that “British specialists” that  Picks for free by email each week here.™

       Week 44   03•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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