Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 44 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                $35mn of various forms of equipment related
                                                                                financing outstanding.
                                                                                  Matt Wilks, ProFrac’s executive chairman,
                                                                                commented: “ProFrac has created a market
                                                                                leader in NextGen frac solutions with an
                                                                                expected 44 active fleets by the first quarter
                                                                                of 2023, including 12 electric fleets and over
                                                                                13 Tier IV dual fuel fleets. This acquisition of
                                                                                U.S. Well Services solidifies ProFrac’s position
                                                                                as the industry leader in electric hydraulic
                                                                                fracturing, which we believe represents the
                                                                                future of the industry.”
       Select Energy Services              and our Water Infrastructure segment   officer, added, “We are excited to welcome
                                                                                  Ladd Wilks, ProFrac’s chief executive
                                           achieved quarterly revenue more than 10%
       announces acquisition               above our previous pre-pandemic peak level.   the U.S. Well Services team to the ProFrac
                                                                                family. We are eager to leverage our scale
                                           Overall, I’m very pleased with our financial
       of Breakwater Energy                and operational execution and believe we are   and capabilities along with our Clean Fleet®
                                                                                technology and we intend to make ProFrac
                                           well positioned to continue to improve the
       Partners, reports third-            profitability of the business in the quarters to   THE electric fleet provider in the US.”
                                                                                PROFRAC HOLDING, November 01, 2022
       quarter 2022 financial              base business, we identified and completed
                                              “In addition to these improvements in the
       results and provides other          the acquisition of Breakwater, a core Permian   ENERGY TRANSITION
                                           infrastructure, recycling and logistics
       operational and acquisition         business, to further our growth, consolidation   Carbon Assessors
                                           and sustainability strategies, while our Cypress
       updates                             transaction adds to our infrastructure scale   increases price
                                           and development opportunities in the Bakken.
       Select Energy Services, a leading provider of   With these additions, we have meaningfully   transparency of Alberta
       sustainable water and chemical solutions to   enhanced our Water Infrastructure and
       the energy industry, today announced the   Water Services footprints, and significantly   TIER Carbon Market
       acquisitions of Breakwater and certain water   expanded the capacity and reach of our
       gathering pipeline and disposal assets from   sustainable recycling solutions. We expect to   Carbon Assessors has broadened its coverage
       Cypress, as well as its financial and operating   see immediately accretive benefits from both   of one of the largest Carbon Compliance
       results for the quarter ended September 30,   acquisitions and believe we have a meaningful   markets in North America – Alberta TIER
       2022.                               opportunity to invest organically around the   (Technology Innovation and Emissions
         John Schmitz, chairman of the board,   acquired operations and asset footprints as   Reduction). By adding price points to the
       president and CEO, stated: “Our strong   well.”                          complex market for Alberta TIER carbon
       third quarter results, combined with our   SELECT ENERGY SERVICES, November 02,   attributes, Carbon Assessors is shining a light
       recent acquisitions, display our ability to   2022                       on a once opaque market.
       execute on our strategy to improve and                                     The TIER market regulates facilities that
       bolster the base business, advance our   ProFrac Holding closes          emit 146+ mn tonnes of CO2e annually.
       technology, sustainability and diversification                           Produced in Alberta, carbon attributes trade
       efforts, and execute on strategic M&A. We   on US Well Services          across 10+ industrial sectors and are typically
       progressed each of these initiatives while                               sold to high-emitting facilities. 8.97mn TIER
       also commencing our previously announced   acquisition                   carbon attributes have been traded year to
       regular quarterly dividend programme.                                    date making this one of Canada’s most active
       Reinforced by a steady activity backdrop,   ProFrac Holding announced today that   carbon markets.
       a challenging labour market and a tight   it has closed on its acquisition of US Well   Carbon Assessors’ new monthly
       equipment supply environment, we continue   Services (USWS) in a stock-for-stock merger   assessments give the basket price of TIER
       to capture market share and see pricing   transaction. As a result of this transaction,   carbon attributes traded on a spot basis.
       improvements across each of our segments.   ProFrac issued an aggregate of approximately   Price discovery is conducted across TIER
       During the third quarter we achieved   12.9mn shares of the company’s Class A   to uncover transaction data, which is then
       12% sequential revenue growth and 59%   common stock to holders of USWS Class A   processed through a compliance methodology
       incremental gross margins, resulting in   common stock, USWS Series A preferred   to ensure data accuracy. A final price is
       significantly improved profitability with net   stock, USWS equity-linked convertible notes   assessed and shared to customers along with
       income and adjusted EBITDA growing 70%   and USWS equity awards. The equity issued,   statistical data. Results are reported to aid not
       and 32%, respectively, quarter over quarter.  based on the ProFrac Class A Common   only large emitting facilities and their trade
         “Our Chemicals segment continues to   Stock 10-day VWAP as of October 31, 2022,   risk-management teams, but also to bring
       produce record revenue and margins, we   would be approximately $270mn. In addition,   price transparency to project developers and
       continue to improve efficiencies and gain   ProFrac is using cash to retire approximately   small emitting facilities to participate in the
       market share in our Water Services segment,   $170mn of USWS debt, leaving approximately   market with confidence.

       Week 44   03•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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