Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 44 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                     INVESTMENT                                         NorthAmOil

       Marathon to buy Ensign’s

       Eagle Ford assets for $3bn

        TEXAS            MARATHON Oil has agreed to acquire the   The inventory purchased immediately com-
                         Eagle Ford shale assets of Ensign Natural  petes for capital in Marathon’s portfolio, the
                         Resources for $3bn cash. The assets – in the core  company said. But the immediate double-digit
                         of the play – nearly double Marathon’s Eagle  accretion to key financial metrics and share-  The inventory
                         Ford position and are adjacent to its existing  holder distributions will be consistent with Mar-
                         wells in the formation.              athon’s return of capital plans and is expected to   purchased
                           The transaction, expected to close by the end  raise its base dividend by 11% after the transac-
                         of the year, will add 130,000 net acres (526.1  tion closes.                immediately
                         square km) with a 97% working interest. The   “This acquisition in the core of the Eagle
                         acreage is expected to produce 67,000 barrels  Ford satisfies every element of our exacting   competes
                         of oil equivalent per day (boepd) in the fourth  acquisition criteria, uniquely striking the right   for capital in
                         quarter of 2022.                     balance between immediate cash flow accre-
                           The assets being acquired include more than  tion and future development opportunity,” said   Marathon’s
                         600 undrilled locations, representing an inven-  Marathon’s chairman, president and CEO, Lee
                         tory life greater than 15 years, and 700 existing  Tillman.                 portfolio, the
                         wells. Most of the existing wells were drilled   “The transaction … offers compelling indus-
                         before 2015 and offer redevelopment potential,  trial logic by nearly doubling our position in a   company said.
                         said Marathon.                       basin where we have a tremendous track record
                           The acreage is located primarily in the pro-  of execution excellence,” he said.
                         lific condensate and wet gas phase windows of   “Over the past four years, Ensign has become
                         the play, said Marathon.             one of the largest producers in the Eagle Ford
                           In total, the purchase will raise Marathon’s  basin, operating more high-quality drilling
                         Eagle Ford assets to 290,000 acres (1,173.6  inventory than nearly all other private opera-
                         square km) and is expected to contribute to opti-  tions in the basin, with strong drilling results,”
                         mised supply chain accessibility and cost control.  said Ensign Natural Resources’ president and
                         The service market is tight.         CEO, Brett Pennington.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 44   03•November•2022
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