Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 44 2022
P. 9

NorthAmOil                              ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

       Occidental, Natural Resource Partners

       partner on Gulf Coast carbon hub

        TEXAS            OCCIDENTAL Petroleum’s Low Carbon Ven-  through a series of chemical reactions.
                         tures subsidiary (OLCV) and Natural Resource   “We look forward to working with Natural
                         Partners (NRP) will evaluate and potentially  Resource Partners as we advance our sequestra-
                         develop a permanent carbon dioxide (CO2)  tion hubs that will provide industrial emitters
                         sequestration hub on the Gulf Coast in South-  with an economic and practical solution to cap-
                         east Texas.                          ture and securely store CO2,” said OLCV’s vice
                           OLCV expects the development of the project  president, Doug Conquest. “This agreement
                         will be completed by its subsidiary 1PointFive,  furthers our commercial-scale decarbonisation
                         a carbon capture, utilisation and sequestration  solutions as we work to achieve net zero and help
                         (CCUS) business.                     others do the same,” he said.
                           The company will exclusively develop a CO2   “We are pleased to partner with OLCV on
                         sequestration hub on around 65,000 acres (263  NRP’s second transaction to utilise our acre-
                         square km) of ‘pore space’ in a geological res-  age for permanent subsurface carbon dioxide
                         ervoir controlled by NRP. The total CO2 stor-  sequestration,” said NRP’s president and chief
                         age potential of this location is at least 500mn  operating officer, Craig Nunez. “OLCV’s exper-
                         tonnes.                              tise in carbon management will provide impor-
                           The sequestration site is near a sizeable  tant benefits to the environment and expand our
                         amount of industry with CO2 emissions, said  carbon neutral portfolio.”
                         Occidental.                            NRP currently has some 140,000 acres
                           The agreement advances OLCV’s and 1Point-  (56,700 hectares) of pore space under lease for
                         Five’s strategic vision to develop carbon capture  carbon sequestration with a total estimated stor-
                         and sequestration hubs, some of which are  age capacity of 800mn tonnes of CO2.
                         expected to be anchored by Direct Air Capture   “We continue to evaluate carbon sequestra-
                         (DAC) facilities.                    tion opportunities on the approximately 3.3mn
                           DAC is a technology that captures CO₂  acres [1.33mn hectares] of additional carbon
                         directly from the atmosphere with an engi-  sequestration rights we own across the Gulf
                         neered, mechanical system. It extracts the CO2  Coast,” said Nunez.™

       Denbury to support blue methanol project

        LOUISIANA        DENBURY Carbon Solutions has executed a  a quarter of the pipeline’s capacity.
                         definitive agreement with Lake Charles Metha-  LCM’s facility is designed to use Topsoe tech-
                         nol (LCM) to provide CO2 transportation and  nology which converts natural gas into hydrogen
                         sequestration for LCM’s planned blue methanol  which is then synthesised into methanol. The
                         project near Lake Charles, Louisiana. Denbury  process incorporates permanent carbon cap-
                         Carbon Solutions is a subsidiary of Denbury.  ture and sequestration. LCM says that the blue
                           The process is anticipated to deliver over  hydrogen production should qualify for “clean
                         500mn kg of hydrogen per year as a feedstock  hydrogen” tax credits under the Inflation Reduc-
                         to produce 3.6mn tonnes per year of blue meth-  tion Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Acts.
                         anol, while capturing approximately 1mn tpy of   Denbury will transport the CO2 captured
                         carbon dioxide (CO2). This is a CO2 equivalent  by LCM to its Green Pipeline and then to one of
                         of removing the emissions of 200,000 cars from  multiple planned sequestration sites along Den-
                         the road every year.                 bury’s extensive Gulf Coast CO2 pipeline net-
                           The project is expected to reach a final invest-  work. In association with the project, Denbury
                         ment decision (FID) in 2023. First operations are  expects to build a pipeline connecting the Lake
                         expected by the end of 2027. LCM is currently  Charles industrial area to its Green Pipeline.
                         finalising major permits to begin construction.  The Lake Charles industrial area has CO2
                           Blue methanol is produced from blue hydro-  emissions of an estimated 20mn tpy.
                         gen – produced from natural gas – in combi-  “In addition to serving LCM’s CO2 transpor-
                         nation with carbon capture technology. It cuts  tation and storage plans, our pipeline network
                         well-to-tank CO2 emissions.          expansion into the Lake Charles area will posi-
                           The blue methanol facility will be located on  tion Denbury to help other industrial customers
                         the Calcasieu River near Lake Charles, some  in the area decarbonise their businesses,” said
                         16 km from Denbury’s Green Pipeline, com-  Denbury Carbon Solutions’ senior vice presi-
                         pleted in 2010. Denbury is currently only using  dent and head, Nik Wood.™

       Week 44   03•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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