Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 44 2022
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Permian gas takeaway
                                                                                                  capacity shortages
                                                                                                  have the potential to
                                                                                                  constrain oil production
                                                                                                  growth in the basin.

                         contributed to the company’s performance in   One of these is thought to be a lack of take-
                         the Permian versus expectations. According to  away capacity for associated gas output – a
                         Wirth’s comments on Chevron’s earnings call,  by-product of drilling for oil in the Permian.
                         the company was among those to build up its  This has been pointed out by the US Energy
                         DUC inventory at the start of the coronavi-  Information Administration (EIA), which
                         rus (COVID-19) pandemic. It subsequently  warned in late October that gas takeaway capac-
                         sent completion crews to start bringing its  ity shortages could begin to limit the basin’s
                         DUCs online as the US reopened and demand  crude production growth.
                         rebounded.                            The EIA highlighted this in conjunction with
                           “And you saw that through the back half of  a decline in DUC inventories, saying that more
                         last year and certainly the first part of this year,  wells were completed than drilled in the US
                         which may have misled a little bit in terms of  between July 2020 and September 2022 – with
                         the rate of growth because this was this kind of  the Permian accounting for the majority of
                         surge capacity,” Wirth said.         DUCs. As of September, there were 4,333 DUCs
                           Having reduced its DUC inventory, Chevron  in the US, representing the lowest number since
                         now anticipates its production growth to be  at least December 2013, the agency said.
                         more in line with expectations.       The reduction in DUCs comes as producers
                           Meanwhile, Pioneer – a pure-play Permian  in the Permian continue to take a restrained
                         producer – reported that its oil output for the  approach to new drilling. With DUC invento-  The reduction
                         third quarter of 2022 fell by around 9% y/y to  ries being depleted, new wells will need to be
                         354,000 barrels per day. This is despite the fact  drilled in order to drive further output growth   in DUCs comes
                         that quarterly production came in at the upper  in the basin. However, it is currently uncertain   as producers
                         end of Pioneer’s guidance of 345,000-360,000  whether drillers will be willing to change their
                         bpd.                                 approach to a less restrained one in the future.  in the Permian
                           However, Pioneer will now target a produc-  Some constraints, such as those caused by
                         tivity boost by prioritising wells that would be  current supply chain challenges, are expected to  continue to take
                         expected to have higher returns.     ease, potentially paving the way to more rapid
                           “Productivity came in a little less than we  production growth beyond the short term. But   a restrained
                         anticipated, and we wanted to rectify that,” said  other problems – such as gas takeaway capacity   approach to new
                         Pioneer’s president, Richard Dealy. “We’re really  shortages, producer restraint and a push into
                         just reshuffling the portfolio and bringing for-  less productive acreage as the most productive   drilling.
                         ward higher-return wells and deferring some of  wells are depleted – could continue to weigh on
                         the wells” that are not as productive, he added.  the Permian.
                                                               Current trends will become better understood
                         Constraints                          as more producers disclose their third-quarter
                         There are certain other constraints that could  results. And then results for upcoming quarters
                         be contributing to Permian performance issues,  could offer clarity on whether the underper-
                         beyond those identified in comments being  formance now being seen among some produc-
                         made by executives at companies with a major  ers will be fleeting, or whether it will present an
                         presence in the basin.               ongoing challenge.™

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