Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 44 2022
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       BC’s gas producers hope to start

       stalled Montney development

        BRITISH          NATURAL gas producers are hoping to restart  – in terms of reserves – larger than the Marcellus
        COLUMBIA         development in British Columbia’s Montney  in the US.
                         shale play and secure licences in time for the   Canadian gas prices are currently high, but
                         winter drilling season.              the Montney is landlocked and would rely on its
                           The province may be close to a deal with  output being transported via pipeline to LNG
                         First Nations to develop the region, Reuters has  export facilities on the coast of BC for shipment
                         reported.                            to Asia. However, large-scale liquefaction and
                           Around 18 months ago, BC’s Supreme Court  export capacity on the BC coast is still under
                         halted new well licences by backing a claim by  development.                  The BC
                         the Blueberry River First Nation that devel-  The BC government has told gas companies
                         opment of Montney’s gas and other natural  that a deal with First Nations is imminent, Crew   government and
                         resources was damaging their traditional use of  Energy’s CEO, Dale Schwed, was quoted by Reu-
                         the land for hunting, fishing and culture.  ters as saying. Crew is a producer of gas in the   First Nations
                           Development slowed, though companies that  Montney.
                         already had permits were allowed to proceed.   But Schwed said he is still cautious. “We’ve   have been
                         Seventy-three gas well licences were issued in  heard that [from the BC government] a few   discussing how
                         the first nine months of this year, compared with  times in the past,” he told the news service. “Peo-
                         302 in the same period last year, according to an  ple are running out of permits. We’re now run-  to assess and
                         RBC Capital Markets note.            ning out of things to do, as are other companies.”
                           The Supreme Court awarded the First Nation   A spokesperson for BC’s Ministry of Land,  grant permits for
                         CAD65mn ($48mn) and control of 38,000  Water and Resource Stewardship told Reuters
                         square km of the play.               that talks have been continuing and “we hope to   wells and other
                           Since the ruling, the BC government and  have more to say about this soon”.  natural resource
                         First Nations have been discussing how to assess   The winter drilling season, which is nearing,
                         and grant permits for wells and other natural  is when heavy machinery can be more easily   activities.
                         resource activities.                 moved.
                           There are 25 companies operating in the   “It’s getting to a point of being fairly critical
                         region, which in total covers around 130,000  to the development of natural gas in BC,” the
                         square km spanning the border between BC and  Explorers and Producers Association of Cana-
                         Alberta. At more than 300 metres thick in parts,  da’s CEO, Tristan Goodman, was quoted by Reu-
                         it is the most prolific shale play in Canada and is  ters as saying.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 44   03•November•2022
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