Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 44 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       ExxonMobil, Chevron profits

       beat expectations

        GLOBAL           US super-majors ExxonMobil and Chevron
                         have posted profits yet again thanks to high
                         oil and natural gas prices and post-pandemic
                         demand super-charged in Europe by the energy
                         crisis following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
                           ExxonMobil posted a record-breaking net
                         profit of $19.7bn, and its shares rose 3% to give
                         it a market value of $461bn. As the largest US oil
                         company, its earnings were above those achieved
                         in the second quarter, when they had topped
                           In the third quarter, the super-major reported  financial performance,” said Chevron’s CEO,
                         a per-share profit of $4.68, which exceeded Wall  Michael Wirth. He noted that the company’s
                         Street’s consensus view of $3.89 per share.  oil and gas production in the Permian was at a
                           Meanwhile, rival Chevron had a third-quar-  record high. “We’ve also taken important steps
                         ter profit of $11.2bn, its second-highest quarterly  to position both our traditional and new energy
                         profit to date, almost double the $6.1bn from the  businesses to help meet the world’s growing
                         same period a year ago, and higher than analyst  demand for our products,” Wirth concluded.
                         estimates.                             Chevron’s output from the Permian Basin
                           Chevron’s per-share profit was $5.78 a share,  topped 700,000 boepd, up 12% from one year
                         significantly ahead of Wall Street’s estimate of  earlier the previous quarter, when it was 692,000
                         $4.86. Cash flow from operating activities was  boepd.
                         $24.4bn.                               Worldwide net production was 3.03mn
                           “Where others pulled back in the face of  boepd in third quarter 2022. International pro-
                         uncertainty and a historic slowdown, retreating  duction decreased 3% primarily due to the end
                         and retrenching, this company moved forward,  of concessions in Thailand and Indonesia, while
                         continuing to invest,” ExxonMobil’s CEO, Dar-  US output rose by 4% compared to the same
                         ren Woods, told investors. He said that its record  period a year ago, mainly in the Gulf of Mexico
                         profits reflect that “deep commitment” – and  and the Permian Basin.
                         also the market’s higher prices.       The company’s average sales price per barrel
                           ExxonMobil has shunned investment in  of crude oil and natural gas liquids was $76 in the
                         renewables, even while its European counter-  third quarter of 2022, up from $58 a year earlier.
                         parts have embraced the energy transition.  The average sales price of natural gas was $7.05
                           Third-quarter results included net favourable  per 1,000 cubic feet ($199.66 per 1,000 cubic
                         identified items of nearly $1bn associated with  metres) in the third quarter of 2022, up from
                         the completion of the XTO Energy Canada and  $3.25 in last year’s third quarter.
                         Romania Upstream affiliate divestments and   Company executives did not talk up their
                         also one-time benefits from tax and other reserve  profits, with their third-quarter announcements
                         adjustments, partly offset by impairments.  coming just before US President Joe Biden again
                           Capital and exploration expenditures were  pushed back against oil companies’ earnings,
                         $5.7bn in the third quarter, bringing year-to-date  accusing them of war-profiteering. He added
                         2022 investments to $15.2bn, on track with full-  that he might impose a windfall tax on energy
                         year guidance of $21bn to $24bn.     companies.
                           Year-to-date earnings excluding identified   “Oil companies’ record profits today are not
                         items were $30.7bn, an increase of $21bn versus  because they’re doing something new or inno-
                         the first nine months of 2021 on higher crude  vative. Their profits are a windfall of war – the
                         and natural gas realisations. Excluding impacts  windfall from the brutal conflict that’s ravaging
                         from divestments, oil-equivalent production  Ukraine and hurting tens of millions of people
                         grew nearly 90,000 barrels per day (bpd). Per-  around the globe,” said Biden. Oil companies
                         mian production was at a record level – it deliv-  should “invest in America by increasing produc-
                         ered nearly 560,000 barrels of oil equivalent per  tion and refining capacity”. They should lower
                         day (boepd) during the quarter. (See: Major shale  gasoline prices, he said.
                         producers starting to see signs of Permian slow-  ExxonMobil’s Woods had already told ana-
                         down, page 4)                        lysts: “There has been discussion in the US
                           For Chevron, in the third-quarter cash flow  about our industry returning some of our profits
                         from operations climbed to a record $15.3bn,  directly to the American people. In fact, that’s
                         and its return on capital employed rose to 25%.  exactly what we’re doing in the form of our quar-
                           “We delivered another quarter of strong  terly dividend.”™

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