Page 6 - Small Stans and Causcasus Outlook 2022
P. 6

No major political events can be anticipated with any confidence when it
                               comes to secretive, tightly controlled Turkmenistan, ruled by “personality cult”
                               autocrat Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. However, many observers remain alert
                               to the rapidly deteriorating quality of life of ordinary Turkmens. As things stand,
                               people queue in long overnight lines to buy basic food and goods. Some fear
                               that if the situation does not significantly improve, the country might reach the
                               brink of collapse, though currently such fears are unwarranted.

                               Most of the anti-regime activism has been gathering steam in Turkey, where
                               many Turkmen migrants seek work in order to send remittances to their
                               families back home. The Turkish authorities appear to have been cracking
                               down on Turkmen activists on behalf of the Turkmen government.

                               Turkmenistan continues to claim that it is “coronavirus-free” despite countless
                               independent reports describing the widespread presence of the virus across all

        1.3 Politics - Tajikistan

                               Tajikistan’s main political concerns for the upcoming year will stem from
                               neighbouring Afghanistan, again under Taliban rule following the withdrawal of
                               US and allied forces. Tajikistan is among the more outspoken nations in not
                               recognising the Taliban government as legitimate. This has to do with the
                               ethnic make-up of the Taliban, largely Pashtun. Pashtuns account for the
                               biggest ethnicity in Afghanistan, at around 40% of the total population. Next
                               largest are ethnic-Tajiks, who speak a form of Persian, at around 30%. The
                               Tajik government backs the ethnic-Tajik resistance with the demand, also
                               made by Iran, that Afghanistan’s government should be inclusive of all

                               The situation has already led to tensions with the Taliban. Both sides have
                               amassed troops at the border, but Afghanistan does not appear to have any
                               intention of openly attacking Tajikistan. Russia has held multiple military drills
                               in Tajikistan, where it has a military base, since last summer. It has also been
                               upgrading and expanding its forces at the base, the biggest Russian armed
                               forces base outside of Russia.

                               Russia’s main concern, however, is that “backyard country” Tajikistan may end
                               up being infiltrated by militants and terrorists from other extremist groups, such
                               as the so-called Islamic State, who could cross the border disguised as

        1.4 Politics - Georgia

                               Georgian politics in 2021 was mostly a question of bad to worse, as a

         6 Small Stans  & South Caucasus Outlook 2022                               
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