Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 43 2022
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Tariffs are governed by the Service Contracts  Assignment of Atapu and Sepia.  achieved despite the scheduled shutdowns of
       and a portion of such tariffs is indexed to US   The already foreseen impact of these events  43 days of distillation and coke at REPLAN, in
       CPI/PPI. While the existing Service Contracts  was positively offset by the good performance of  Paulínia, São Paulo, the country’s largest refinery,
       expire in December 2022, significant production  P-68 and the increase in production (ramp-up)  and 33 days at REGAP’s hydrotreatment units,
       potential remains in the Blocks.    of the FPSO Guanabara. The P-68 platform,  in Betim, Minas Gerais. It is also worth noting
         New Stratus continues to negotiate with the  which operates in the Berbigão and Sururu oil-  that, in the first nine months of 2022, eight of the
       Government of Ecuador, specifically the Minis-  fields (Santos Basin), reached full production  company’s refineries have accumulated opera-
       try of Energy and Mines on the extension of the  capacity on June 21, which allowed the unit to  tional availability on par with the best American
       rights to the Blocks through a production shar-  reach its highest average production in this quar-  refiners.
       ing contract where the Corporation has commit-  ter, of 148,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil, con-  With demand still strong, Petrobras sold
       ted to a capital expenditure program in excess of  firming the good performance of the wells and  700,700 tonnes of asphalt in the domestic market
       CAD250mn.                           the platform. Also, on October 8, the platform  in the third quarter of 2022, the highest volume
         The Blocks include commitments to mini-  reached a daily production record of 161,000  in a quarter since 2014. It also achieved a quar-
       mise the environmental impact of operations, to  barrels, above nominal capacity due to the opti-  terly record in asphalt production since 2014,
       maintain high standards of safety and to under-  misations achieved in the production plant.  with a total of 697,500 tonnes.
       take long-term investments for the benefit of   As well as the P-68, the P-70 unit in the Atapu   In September, the first sale of R5 Diesel,
       local communities.                  Field and the P-74, P-75, P-76 and P-77 units in  made up of 95% petroleum-derived diesel and
         Transaction Terms: Pursuant to the terms of  the Búzios Field have been able, depending on  5% renewable diesel, was concluded with tech-
       the Agreement, the total consideration consists  the operational conditions, to produce above  nology developed by the Petrobras Research
       of a cash payment of approximately $9.31mn  their nominal capacity and have been critical for  Center, which consists of co-processing in
       (CAD12.75mn) subject to adjustment for work-  the production performance in 2022. At FPSO  hydrotreatment units. Production was carried
       ing capital and carryforward payments under  Guanabara (Mero Field), which is in production  out at REPAR, in Paraná, where the R5 Diesel
       the Service Contracts. The Transaction is subject  ramp-up, Petrobras carried out the interconnec-  had already been produced for testing in Curiti-
       to customary closing conditions and is expected  tion and start-up of two new oil and natural gas  ba’s urban bus fleet.
       to close on or before November 30, 2022.  production wells and two new gas injection wells   The Intensity of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
       New Stratus Energy, October 24 2022  in Q3-2022.                         (IGEE) from the refineries continued to in
                                              As a result, the platform reached an average  Q3-2022, with a result of 37.8 kgCO2e/CWT,
                                           production of 65,000 bpd in the quarter.  against the 38.9 kgCO2e/CWT of Q3-2021.
       PERFORMANCE                            In line with Q2-2022, total production in the   Petrobras, October 25 2022
                                           pre-salt layer was 1.94mn barrels of oil equiva-
       Pre-salt oil represents             lent, representing 73% of Petrobras’ total pro-
                                           duction. The company followed the market  POLICY
       73% of Petrobras’ total             development work for pre-salt oil, focusing on   Ecopetrol notes new
                                           Atapu and Sépia, which were the last oils added
       production in Q3-2022               to Petrobras’ export offering. In this quarter, four
                                           new customers were added, spread across Asia,
       The company maintains solid operating perfor-  Europe and South America.  board appointments
       mance: average production was 2.64mn barrels   In refining, the total utilisation rate (88%)  Ecopetrol informs that at the extraordinary Gen-
       of oil equivalent per day (boepd) with an 88%  and the yield of diesel, gasoline and QAV  eral Shareholder’s Meeting held on October 24,
       refinery utilisation rate           (66%) remained at high levels, in line with the  2022, its Board of Directors was appointed as
         Petrobras maintained a solid operational  2nd quarter of 2022. This quarter’s results were  follows.
       performance in the third quarter of 2022, with
       an average production of oil, LNG and natural
       gas of 2.64mn barrels of oil equivalent per day
       (boepd), in line with Q2-2022. The total produc-
       tion operated by the company reached 3.65mn
       boepd in the period, 2.6% above the 2nd quar-
       ter of 2022. The total refinery utilisation rate
       (RUR) was 88% in the 3rd quarter, the same
       level as the results of the previous period. The
       data are highlighted in the Production and Sales
       Report, released this Monday (October 24) by
       the company.
         Petrobras’ average production of oil, LGN
       and natural gas reached 2.64mn boepd, in line
       with Q2-2022. The maintenance of this level is
       positive, given that the results for the 3rd quarter
       of 2022 already include the impacts of reduced
       production from the shutdown for decommis-
       sioning and demobilisation of FPSO Capixaba
       and the effectiveness of the Production Sharing
       Contracts of the Surplus Volumes of Onerous

       Week 43   26•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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