Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 43 2022
P. 13

LatAmOil                                      ARGENTINA                                            LatAmOil

                                                 The Campo Durán refinery has a capacity of 25,000 bpd (Photo:

                         It said that the acquisition had been led by the   In its statement, Refinor stressed that Hidro-
                         Argentinian businessman José Luis Manzano,   carburos del Norte’s entry into the roster of
                         the owner of the Integra group, which is Hidro-  shareholders would not affect the company’s
                         carburos del Norte’s parent organisation. It did   operations. “We will continue to generate the
                         not reveal the value of the transaction but said   energy that enhances the development of north-
                         that the Integra affiliate had acquired shares for-  ern Argentina, facilitating its connection with
                         merly held by two other local companies, Pampa   other regions, with a commitment to satisfying
                         Energía and Pluspetrol.              our customers, as well as promoting and main-
                           The statement further noted that Hidro-  taining a safe, inspiring and innovative work-
                         carburos del Norte had gained a 50% stake in   place that upholds high standards of social and
                         Refinor’s 25,000 barrel per day (bpd) refin-  environmental responsibility,” it said.
                         ery in Salta Province, a 90-unit service station   According to local press reports, Refinor
                         chain and the 1,100-km Poliducto pipeline   hopes the deal with Hidrocarburos del Norte
                         which links Córdoba to Salta. It also said that   will help bring in new investment that can be
                         Hidrocarburos del Norte had taken control of   used to pursue new business opportunities. The
                         Refinor, as two representatives of Integra Capi-  Campo Durán refinery is well positioned to
                         tal, another affiliate of the Integra group, would   supply petroleum products to the burgeoning
                         be heading the latter company. Integra Capital’s   lithium-mining industry in Argentina’s north-
                         president Lindor Martín will hold the same post   ern Puna Province and in neighbouring districts
                         at Refinor, while Integra Capital’s head of oil and   of Bolivia and Paraguay. However, it has been
                         gas operations Nicolás Mallo Huergo will serve   struggling to secure sufficient throughput in
                         as vice president, it explained.     recent years due to declining crude production
                           The remaining 50% of equity in Refinor will   in Salta Province. It is now aiming to secure a
                         remain in the hands of YPF, Argentina’s national   larger share of output from fields in the Vaca
                         oil company (NOC).                   Muerta shale basin. ™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       PIPELINES & TRANSPORT               Shanghai Engineering and Technology Corp.  interior of Colombia as Ecopetrol´s gas fields
                                           (SETCO) to construct a 289-km-long, 22 inch  located there start declining in 2024. We are
       Canacol provides update             gas pipeline from the Jobo gas processing facility  pleased to play an important role in guarantee-
                                           to the city of Medellin.
                                                                                ing a clean source of energy to our customers as
       on Jobo-Medellin natural            acol, stated, “The construction of this pipeline  inating sources of energy.”
                                                                                Colombia executes the transition to less contam-
                                              Charle Gamba, President and CEO of Can-
       gas pipeline project                will allow Canacol to ship our gas to the interior   SETCO is a Chinese-based construction and
                                           market of Colombia and will lift our gas sales  pipe fabrication consortium with experience
       Canacol Energy is pleased to announce that it  above 300 mcf per day in 2025. The project will  in building major gas pipelines in Asia and the
       has executed an agreement with the consortium  also provide energy security to customers in the  Middle East.

       Week 43   26•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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