Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 43 2022
P. 12
Members of Falklands legislature
back plan calling for oil development
TWO members of the Falkland Islands Legisla- conscious way” by following a set of prescribed
tive Assembly, John Birmingham and Pete Biggs, objectives, according to Mercopress.
declared last week that they remain committed Concerns in European nations regarding the
to the Islands Plan 2022, which calls for proceed- environmental impact of oil exploration and
ing with offshore oil development, despite their drilling are on the rise, particularly in light of
own personal distaste for fossil fuels. the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). The Italian
When asked about their positions on hydro- government was recently sued for GBP210mn
carbon development in the offshore zone ($240.5mn) by British firm Rockhopper Explo-
assigned to the British Overseas Territory, both ration, which also holds interests in the Falkland
MLAs said they would give their support the Islands, following the government’s decision to
Islands Plan 2022 and also hoped environmental ban oil exploration within a 19.3-km limit off the
safeguards would be put in place. islands’ coast in 2015.
“I rather hate the idea of going into a produc-
tion state in the Islands; however, I can see the
sense if it’s properly regulated,” Biggs was quoted
as saying by Mercopress. He stated that he did
not personally support the idea but would help
to advance the plan in an environmentally con-
scious way.
Birmingham, for his part, stressed that while
he was not personally enthusiastic about the
Islands Plan 2022, its adoption remains “a mat-
ter for the majority view,” meaning that his indi-
vidual opinion was irrelevant. He also indicated
that there was not necessarily a clash between
the Falkland Islands’ environmental commit-
ments and development goals. “If anything
happened, the regulations would be as strict and
as environmentally friendly as you can possibly
get,” he was quoted as saying by Mercopress.
Biggs also warned, however, that more
spending on infrastructure would be required
to make the Falklands a “far greener place.” Spe-
cifically, he said, the British Overseas Territory
will need to put a new power system in place and
make changes to its waste management works to
facilitate the use of more renewable energy.
Acting Director of Mineral Resources Dr.
Andrea Clausen also expressed support for
the Islands Plan 2022 last week. She said local
authorities remained committed to backing oil
and gas development “in an environmentally The Islands Plan 2022 aims to support oil projects (Image: Rockhopper Exploration)
Integra subsidiary acquires 50% of Refinor
ARGENTINA’S Hidrocarburos del Norte has as associated infrastructure including a crude
acquired a 50% stake in Refinor, the company pipeline and a chain of retail filling stations.
that operates the Campo Durán oil-processing Refinor confirmed the deal in a statement on
plant in the northern part of the country, as well October 22.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 43 26•October•2022