Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 43 2022
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Velez (L) and Petro (R), shown at the Naturgas conference earlier this month (Photo: Twitter/@luzstellamurgas)
The government wants to see the remaining reserves and significantly increase the country’s
90 contracts brought back into play so that the horizon of self-sufficiency.”
resources they contain can be utilised appropri- The statement did not say whether the gov-
ately, it said. ernment was more interested in reactivating
“We want to reactivate the remainder to have any specific contract areas than others. It did
those resources and take advantage of them cor- assert, though, that Petro’s administration did
rectly,” Energy Minister Irene Velez said. “We not expect the pending transition to renewable
have important gas resources in the Colombian energy to put Colombia’s energy sovereignty at
Caribbean [that] potentially could become risk.
Suriname takes a step forward with port
project that will support gas-to-power plan
PHOENIX Development Co. (PDC), a Hou-
ston-based group set up by investors from mul-
tiple countries, and Havenbeheer Suriname
(HBS), the port authority of Paramaribo, are
moving forward with plans to build an onshore
deepwater port facility that will support a gas-to-
power (GTP) project.
Stephen Joslyn, the director of PDC, said at
the weekend that the partners intended to estab-
lish the port together with a special economic
zone (SEZ) on a 3,707-acre (15-square km)
site in Niew Nickerie. The cost of the project is
expected to reach $5.4bn, he was quoted as say-
ing by
The deepwater port will include facilities that The deepwater port will include onshore oil and gas facilities (Image: HBS)
can handle oil discovered offshore Suriname
and support offshore development projects in Joslyn said.
the Guyana-Suriname basin. This will encom- He also noted that the port would have a mul-
pass an oil jetty with berths spanning a length ti-purpose terminal capable of handling imports
of 140 metres and a 0.66-square km shore base, and exports and serving the tourism sector.
Week 43 26•October•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P9