Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 43 2022
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“It’s positioned in the centre of the Guyana-Suri- LNG plant. The gas is needed to feed the thermal
name Basin and, ideally, will service all Atlan- power plant (TPP) that will ensure low-cost and
tic-markets and have infrastructure for the steady supplies of electricity to the port facility
sustainable development of world-class facili- and SEZ, he explained.
ties to stimulate not just oil and gas but trade, Once gas supply arrangements have been
agriculture, manufacturing and tourism,” he settled, he added, PDC and HBS should be able
commented. “The idea is to add value to all the to launch the deepwater port in two years’ time.
products in the region and create a cost-effective “Being a modular design, we can move that fast
export route.” and get the facility operational,” he said.
The project could create as many as 1,000 He continued: “We will be powering it from
jobs for local workers, he said. onshore and we already purchased a Siemens
Joslyn noted, though, that PDC and HBS had gas-fired power plant [of] 420 MW capac-
not yet set a start date for construction. The part- ity. That will operate technology from Baker
ners are still waiting to learn when natural and Hughes, and the technology is modular so we
associated gas from offshore fields will be made would be able to build and expand capacity as
available for an associated offshore gas hub and more gas becomes available.”
ANP data show Brazil’s crude oil, natural
gas output topped 4mn boepd in September
BRAZIL’S hydrocarbon production hit 4.048mn ANP went on to say that offshore fields in the
barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) in Sep- pre-salt zone had made up 74.11% of total out-
tember 2022, according to data released last put, or about 3mn boepd. The biggest produc-
week by the country’s National Agency of Petro- ing fields within the pre-salt region were Tupi
leum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). and Buzios, which yielded 1.16mn boepd and
This is only the second time that monthly 676,600 boepd respectively, it said, followed by
output has ever topped the 4mn boepd mark. Sapinhoa, Sepia and Atapu at 256,000 boepd,
The last time it did so was in January 2020, 196,700 boepd and 193,600 boepd respectively.
shortly before the outbreak of the coronavi- With respect to crude oil alone, the biggest
rus (COVID-19) pandemic, when production producer was the Tupi field, which yielded
totalled 4.041mn boepd. 887,710 bpd in September, the agency stated.
The ANP’s data indicated that crude oil It also identified the production facility with
accounted for almost three quarters of total the highest yields as the Carioca floating pro-
production in September, reaching 3.148mn duction, storage and off-loading (FPSO) vessel,
barrels per day (bpd). The remaining volumes noting that this unit had handled 196,740 bpd
consisted of 143mn cubic metres of associated of crude oil from its four connected wells last
and natural gas. month.
FPSO at Buzios, the second largest producing oilfield in the pre-salt zone in September (Photo: Petrobras)
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 43 26•October•2022