Page 7 - LatAmOil Week 41 2022
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LatAmOil MEXICO LatAmOil
Satellite images showed methane leaks from the Zaap-C platform last December (Images: ESA)
Reuters had reported late last month that ASEA methane leaks, which occurred at the Zaap-C
had replied to a separate freedom of information platform in December 2021. It conceded last
request by stating that there were “no records” month that methane was released from the plat-
of “a possible incident at the asset Ku-Maloob- form, as stated in an article published in Envi-
Zaap in December 2021.” ronmental Science & Technology Letters by a
The leaks also seem to have gone unre- research team led by Itziar Irakulis-Loitxate at
marked elsewhere, as Reuters has not been able the Polytechnic University of Valencia in June
to determine independently whether Pemex 2022.
reported the matter via any other channels. However, it disputed the team’s conclusions
As of press time, the NOC had not responded about the frequency, size and composition of
to the news agency’s request for clarification as the leaks, citing a study performed by its own
to why it had not submitted any reports. Reuters contractor, Solal-Genermasa.
said it had asked for records of all the incident In response, the research team has rejected
reports the company’s upstream arm had sub- Pemex’s contention that the leaks consisted
mitted to ASEA (and its predecessor) within the largely of nitrogen, which has no effect on
last decade. climate. In a statement sent to Reuters, team
Pemex is subject to current Mexican legis- members said nitrogen was not visible to the
lation that requires the reporting of methane sensors they had been using. “There is no way of
leaks whenever they have the potential to affect mistaking one for the other,” the statement said.
hydrocarbon production or the safety of work- “The startling emissions we reported were 100%
ers, the environment or oil and gas infrastruc- methane, plain and simple.”
ture, according to experts consulted by the news Methane is often flared off during oil produc-
agency. The events in question met these crite- tion operations to minimise harmful impact. It
ria, so they should have been reported to ASEA is a key driver of climate change, as it is much
within 10 days of their occurrence, in line with more powerful than at trapping heat than car-
Mexican law, explained the experts. bon dioxide. However, it only lasts in the atmos-
Pemex has partially confirmed reports of the phere for around a decade.
Ecopetrol CEO expresses relief at Petro’s
change of course on crude oil export tax
FELIPE Bayon, the CEO of Colombia’s national Speaking to reporters in Cartagena, Bayon
oil company (NOC) Ecopetrol, said last week expressed relief at the decision not to include a
that he had been pleased to learn that Gustavo planned tax on coal and crude oil exports in a
Petro, the country’s new president, had back- fiscal reform bill. Petro’s administration appears
tracked on campaign promises related to taxing to be ready to consider solutions that are much
extractive industries such as oil and gas. more acceptable to the energy industry, he said.
Week 41 12•October•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P7