Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 41 2022
P. 11

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                           LatAmOil

       Brazil’s gas re-injection volumes

       climb to record high in August

                         BRAZIL saw the volume of natural and associ-  August 2021 figure of around 136.5 mcm per
                         ated gas re-injected into crude oil reservoirs rise   day.
                         to a record-high level of 69.6mn cubic metres   Meanwhile, the volume of gas available for
                         per day in August of this year, according to   sale on Brazil’s domestic market came to 53.3
                         preliminary data from the National Agency of   mcm per day in the month of August. This was
                         Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP)   2.5% above the July 2022 figure of about 52 mcm
                         cited by Argus Media.                per day, but down by 3.7% from the August 2021
                           This represents an increase of 4.7% on the   figure of around 55.3 mcm per day.
                         July 2022 level of about 66.5 mcm per day and an   The ANP data also showed that Brazil flared
                         increase of 7.9% on the August 2021 level of 64.5   a total of 3.3 mcm per day of gas in August.
                         mcm per day, ANP data show. It is also 1.75% up   This was down by 19% on the July 2022 figure
                         on the previous record high of 68.4 mcm per day   of nearly 4.1 mcm per day and by 6.2% on the
                         recorded in January 2022.            August 2021 figure of approximately 3.5 mcm
                           According to Argus Media, ANP attributed   per day. ™
                         the rise in re-injection levels to the drop in Bra-
                         zil’s domestic gas demand. The country’s gas
                         consumption has shrunk considerably since
                         August 2021, when the hydroelectric power
                         plants (HPPs) that usually provide a majority of
                         its electricity were unable to function at normal
                         levels because of a severe drought. Now that the
                         HPPs are once again operating normally, Bra-
                         zil needs less gas for its thermal power plants
                         (TPPs) and gas can once again be re-injected
                         into oilfields to maintain reservoir pressure and
                         optimise production rates.
                           Accordingly, the increase in re-injection
                         rates was accompanied by a rise in output in
                         August. The preliminary ANP data showed that
                         Brazil extracted some 139.9 mcm per day in
                         that month, up by 3.2% on the July 2022 figure
                         of about 135.6 mcm per day and by 2.5% on the   The red lines show pipelines that handle gas at pre-salt fields (Image: Petrobras)

       Yinson secures $720mn syndicated

       loan deal for FPSO Maria Quitéria

                         YINSON (Malaysia) has finalised a syndicated   (Singapore); Natixis Corporate & Investment
                         loan deal worth $720mn for the construction of   Banking; Maybank Group; and ING Bank NV,
                         the Maria Quitéria, a floating production, stor-  Singapore Branch. Additionally, it noted that
                         age and off-loading (FPSO) that Brazil’s national   Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. and
                         oil company (NOC) Petrobras will install at the   JP Morgan were participating as mandated lead
                         Jubarte field in the Campos basin.   arrangers.
                           The company explained in a statement that it   Yinson will use the proceeds of the limited
                         had entered into a syndicated loan facility with   recourse loan, which has a repayment term of
                         more than half a dozen international banks. It   six years, to cover ongoing costs incurred in the
                         named the loan facility’s mandated lead arrang-  construction of the FPSO Maria Quitéria. The
                         ers, underwriters and bookrunners as United   Malaysian firm won the contract to build the
                         Overseas Bank; Standard Chartered Bank   vessel from Petrobras in November 2021.

       Week 41   12•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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