Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 41 2022
P. 12
LatAmOil BRAZIL LatAmOil
The Brazilian NOC has said it will install the us that our robust business model and proven
FPSO at Jubarte within the framework of the capabilities have earned the confidence of our
Parque das Baleias Integrated Project. The ves- stakeholders.”
sel will be able to handle 100,000 barrels per day Bong also talked up Yinson’s ongoing efforts
(bpd) of crude oil and 5mn cubic metres per day to build and maintain relationships with the
of natural or associated gas. It will process the banks involved in the deal. “We have worked
volumes extracted by 17 wells at Jubarte, the first hard to build an environment of trust and hon-
field where commercial discoveries were made est communication to help our investor com-
within the Parque das Baleias offshore area. munity understand our business better and
Flemming Grønnegaard, Yinson’s chief appreciate our resilience,” he said. “These rela-
executive officer for offshore production, said tionships are highly valued, and the key to the
his company’s record of successful co-operation success of our capital-raising initiatives over the
with Petrobras had helped secure the syndicated years.”
loan deal. “This is the second asset that we are
delivering for Petrobras. The first asset has been
able to meet the project schedule thus far and
is on track for first oil in early 2023, despite the
significant challenges brought about by the pan-
demic,” he commented. “On top of that, thanks
to the continuing efforts of our projects team
and support from our client, financiers, con-
tractors and subcontractors, the construction of
FPSO Maria Quitéria is progressing according
to schedule.”
For his part, Daniel Bong, Yinson’s chief
strategy officer, said the loan agreement demon-
strated the effectiveness of the company’s busi-
ness strategy. “The FPSO financing space has
been very competitive, as many postponed oil
and gas developments have resumed post pan-
demic, and investor appetites have evolved with
energy transition agendas,” he stated. “Thus,
the success of this deal is remarkable, assuring The FPSO will be installed at the Jubarte offshore field (Image: Petrobras)
Eneva reportedly seeking to acquire stakes
in gas blocks to secure feedstock for CELSE
ENEVA, a privately owned Brazilian company, According to the epbr news agency, two of
is reportedly looking to acquire offshore blocks Eneva’s prospective targets are the Agulinha
in the Sergipe-Alagoas basin in order to secure and Cavala blocks. Brazil’s national oil company
steady supplies of natural gas for the thermal (NOC) Petrobras has 60% stakes in both blocks,
power plant (TPP) operated by Centrais Elétri- and the remaining 40% has been assigned to
cas de Sergipe (CELSE). India’s IBV Brasil Petróleo Ltda (IBV).
Agulinha and Cavala are Eneva’s among Eneva’s acquisition targets (Image: Petrobras)
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 41 12•October•2022