Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 41 2022
P. 16
Veolia awarded contract
for seawater treatment
package for Yellowtail
FPSO offshore Guyana
Veolia Water Technologies, through its subsid-
iary VWS Westgarth Ltd, has been awarded a
multi-million-dollar contract by the Yellow-
tail-SBM Offshore/McDermott Joint Venture
(YTSM JV) for the supply of a seawater treat-
ment process module for the One Guyana FPSO
(Floating Production Storage and Offloading complementary business activities, Veolia helps This project reinforces the commitment of
vessel), that will operate in the Stabroek block to develop access to resources, preserve available our companies to Biogas, which has led us to
offshore Guyana. resources, and replenish them. In 2021, the Veo- develop several projects related to BioLNG and
The award is for the design, procurement lia group supplied 79mn people with drinking BioCNG, such as those in Girona (Spain), where
and supply of equipment to process 15,350 cubic water and 61mn people with wastewater service, we have opened the first 100% vehicular biom-
metres per hour of seawater for cooling, fresh produced nearly 48mn MWh of energy and ethane plant in the country, or the of Faenza
water, and low sulphate water injection. The treated 48mn tonnes of waste. Veolia Environ- (Italy), where we are going to put into service one
nano-filtered low sulphate seawater injection nement (listed on Paris Euronext: VIE) recorded of the largest European BIoLNG plants.
is supplied at up to 2,092 cubic metres per hour consolidated revenue of €28.508bn in 2021. About HAM Group: HAM Group, leader in
and fresh water supplied from seawater reverse Veolia Water Technologies, October 4 2022 the comprehensive CNG-LNG service in indus-
osmosis (SWRO) at 350 cubic metres per hour. tries, mobile-vehicular and maritime environ-
The seawater system is provided as a single, CycleØ, HAM Group to build ments, offers multiple comprehensive services
fully integrated process module comprising related to liquefied natural gas and compressed
coarse filtration, UltraMEV108 ultrafiltration first BioLNG plant in Chile natural gas, ranging from CNG-LNG refueling,
pretreatment, sulphate removal membrane transport by road of cryogenic products, the
process, SWRO membrane process, membrane HAM Group and CycleØ have been awarded the commercialisation of LNG and other activities.
Clean-In-Place unit, vacuum deaerator unit, contract for the construction and operation of Through its subsidiary HAM Chile Spa, a leader
water injection booster pumps with system pip- the first BIoLNG plant in Chile, which will be in cryogenic equipment and works, it has been
ing, valves, and instrumentation. located in the Ñuble region, with a capacity to working for several years in South America,
Low-sulphate seawater is injected into the process between 7,500 and 16,500 cubic metres allowing it to maintain greater proximity with
oil-bearing reservoir to maintain pressure and of biogas per day. its clients, offering a wide variety of products
improve secondary recovery, thus helping to This represents reducing, in the heavy trans- and services, ranging from design, construction,
ensure that the oil production is achieved as port industry, more than 19,000 tonnes of CO2 commissioning and maintenance of service sta-
efficiently as possible and minimising the oper- per year, 96% of fine particle emissions and 85% tions and regasification plants, bunkering, man-
ations carbon footprint. of nitrogen oxide and sulfur emissions, com- ufacturing of cryogenic LNG tanks, etc.
This will be Veolia’s fourteenth Sulphate pared to other fuels. About CycleØ: CycleØ is a comprehensive
Removal Process (SRP) technology project This BioLNG plant will be possible thanks producer of biomethane focused on BioLNG
with SBM Offshore, and our third for Guyana’s to the commitment of Lipigas, a relevant player and BioCNG for applications in heavy transport
Stabroek Block, the One Guyana project build- in the Latin American energy market, for an and grid injection. CycleØ invests, develops and
ing on the successful SRP process modules efficient and 100% renewable energy solution. operates projects in more than five countries.
design, supply, and operations support services The biogas comes from an anaerobic co-diges- Through its subsidiary, FNX Liquid Natural Gas,
provided for the Liza Unity and Liza Prosperity tion plant for waste from a MaxAgro pig farm, the CycleØ group has the leading technology
FPSOs. where HAM Chile Spa will build and manage the for the development of small-scale biomethane
“We thank the Yellowtail SBM Offshore/ processing facilities, which will have upgrading plants. Its management team has more than 3
McDermott Joint Venture for again showing equipment, developed by FNX Liquid Natural decades of experience in the sector and is backed
their faith in our expertise to design and supply Gas, which will purify the biogas, which con- by Ara Partners, a leading private equity firm in
this specialist technology. Our experienced pro- tains 50-60% methane, increasing its quality and industrial decarbonisation.
ject team is fully committed to playing our part obtaining a methane purity of over 99%. About Lipigas: Lipigas SA is a leader in the
to help to ensure the success of the project,” said At Grupo HAM and CycleØ, we believe distribution and sale of energy solutions, with a
Stephen Hill, Project Manager for VWS West- that BioLNG must play a prominent role in presence in Chile, Colombia and Peru, dedicated
garth Ltd. the energy transition, reducing greenhouse gas to providing comprehensive energy solutions to
Veolia group aims to be the benchmark emissions, thanks to its negative carbon foot- its customers, through its different products.
company for ecological transformation. With print. In addition, the commitment to this fuel Since 2010, the Company has undergone a
nearly 220,000 employees worldwide, the Group favors the circular economy, generating employ- solid expansion process, expanding its presence
designs and provides game-changing solutions ment in rural areas, returning resources and in Latin America and diversifying its offer of
that are both useful and practical for water, waste nutrients to the soil, and as a sustainable alterna- energy solutions.
and energy management. Through its three tive to incineration or landfills. HAM Group, October 10 2022
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 41 12•October•2022