Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 41 2022
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       (1) Gran Tierra’s fourth quarter-to-date 2022  boe net to Echo during the period, including  wells are reopened with the workover rig now
       total Company average production is for the  74,127 barrels of oil and condensate and 1,909  being upgraded.
       nine-day period of October 1-9, 2022.  mcf of gas.                         The Company looks forward to continuing to
         (2) Net debt is a non-GAAP measure and   Notwithstanding production disruption  update shareholders on production levels on a
       does not have standardised meanings under  resulting from certain facilities being unavailable  quarterly basis.
       generally accepted accounting principles in the  as upgrades to infrastructure have been made,   Echo Energy, October 11 2022
       United States of America (GAAP). Refer to Non-  net production in Q3-2022 increased from
       GAAP Measures in this press release for descrip-  Q2-2022 levels.
       tions of these non-GAAP measures and, where   Net liquids production in Q3-2022 averaged  PROJECTS & COMPANIES
       applicable, reconciliations to the most directly  276 bpd of oil, (Q2-2022: 272 bpd of oil) and rep-
       comparable measures calculated and presented  resents the eighth consecutive quarter of liquid   Touchstone announces
       in accordance with GAAP.            production growth.
       Gran Tierra Energy, October 11 2022    Net gas production averaged 6.9 mcf per day   first natural gas production
                                           during Q3-2022, up on Q2-2022 (6.8 mcf per
       Echo Energy announces               day). Q3-2022 production was directly impacted   from onshore Coho field
                                           as a result of the Oceano field production being
       Q3-2022 production and              brought temporarily offline due to additional  Touchstone Exploration has announced that
                                           infrastructure upgrades focused on increasing  the Coho facility has safely delivered first nat-
       operational update                  the amount of available sales gas, including the  ural gas, representing the first onshore natural
                                           reconfiguration of the compressor to utilise elec-
                                                                                gas project to come onstream in Trinidad and
       Echo  Energy,  the  Latin  American  focused  tricity from the newly installed generator rather  Tobago in over twenty years. The Coho area is
       energy company, has provided a production  than gas. Additionally, production across other  located in the Ortoire block, where Touchstone
       update regarding its Santa Cruz Sur assets,  fields was impacted during the installation and  has an 80% operating working interest and Her-
       onshore Argentina, for Q3-2022.     commissioning of the new generators which as  itage Petroleum Company holds the remaining
         As previously announced, the Company has  previously announced has now been successfully  20% working interest.
       made significant progress during the quarter on  completed.                On September 26, 2022, the Coho facil-
       the Production and Infrastructure Enhance-  The ability of the various measures already  ity was approved by the Certified Verification
       ment Plan priorities. The first operational prior-  undertaken to improve infrastructure is evident  Agent with the Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of
       ity under the Plan has been successfully achieved  in increased production capacity. In the twelve-  Energy and Energy Industries promptly author-
       with all three power generation units fully  day period following completion of the works  ising facility commissioning.
       operational. Work on the second operational  described above, net gas production averaged   On September 27, 2022, we commenced
       milestone has commenced with maintenance  7.9 mcf per day and net liquids production aver-  commissioning and achieved commercial
       and optimisation of the existing compressors.  aged 320 bpd of oil, equating to an average net  deliveries on October 10, 2022, with a field esti-
       The third operational priority, upgrading the  1,638 boepd over that same period. This rep-  mated sustained gross production rate of approx.
       Eagle workover rig which will be used for the  resents a significant increase over the average  10.5mn cubic feet per day (approximately 8.4mn
       well opening campaign, also began during the  production levels of 1,398 boepd for Q2-2022  cubic feet per day net).
       quarter.                            immediately prior to the announcement of the   Touchstone will continue to monitor the
         Q3-2022 Production Update: Production  Production and Infrastructure Enhancement  Coho-1 well in an effort to optimise production.
       over the period from January 1, 2022, to Septem-  Plan. It remains the Company’s expectation that  In conjunction with initial production, we have
       ber 30, 2022, has reached an aggregate of 392,253  production will increase materially as shut in  sold the 2.7-km, 6-inch gathering line tying in
                                                                                our Coho facility to the Baraka natural gas facil-
                                                                                ity to National Gas Co. of Trinidad and Tobago
                                                                                Ltd (NGC). Natural gas production from the
                                                                                Coho facility will be sold to NGC pursuant to a
                                                                                natural gas sales agreement executed in Decem-
                                                                                ber 2020.
                                                                                  Paul Baay, President and CEO, commented:
                                                                                “This is very exciting for the Company, as Coho
                                                                                production represents the first stage of diversify-
                                                                                ing our product mix in Trinidad. The Coho facil-
                                                                                ity is capable of 24mn cubic feet of gross natural
                                                                                gas per day, giving us the ability to potentially
                                                                                add incremental production volumes through a
                                                                                combination of additional drilling and well opti-
                                                                                misation. I would also like to recognise the col-
                                                                                lective contributions of our team in making this
                                                                                project a success. Being the first onshore gas pro-
                                                                                ject in over twenty years, we have learnt from the
                                                                                process, which we expect will provide a strong
                                                                                foundation for continuous improvement as we
                                                                                proceed with our larger Cascadura project.”
                                                                                Touchstone Exploration, October 11 2022

       Week 41   12•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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