Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 41 2022
P. 10

LatAmOil                                         GUYANA                                             LatAmOil

                         Guyana has already been highly active in the   project, which is scheduled to come on stream
                         renewable energy space. It is working on install-  in 2024.
                         ing 33 MW of solar generating capacity over the   This project envisions the construction of a
                         next five years, thereby providing 27,000 addi-  pipeline to bring associated gas from the coun-
                         tional households with clean energy, and aims to   try’s subsea oilfields to shore, where they can
                         have 70% of its energy supplied through a mix of   be used to fire a 300-MW thermal power plant
                         renewables and fossil fuels by 2030.  (TPP). It is expected to help Guyanese house-
                           Meanwhile, it has reached an advanced   holds save up to GYD27bn ($129.34mn) on
                         stage in planning for the Gas-to-Energy (GTE)   energy costs. ™

       Bank of Guyana says NRF’s

       balance has topped $1bn

                         THE Bank of Guyana (BoG) stated earlier this   As of the end of August, the NRF’s bal-
                         week that the country’s Natural Resource Fund   ance had amounted to GYD198,064,374,000
                         (NRF) had reported a balance equivalent to   ($948,830,949). Deposits of oil earnings
                         more than $1bn as of the end of the third quar-  into the fund in the month of August hit
                         ter of 2023.                         GYD21,380,376,000 ($102,423,076), while
                           In a statement, the bank said that the   earnings from accumulated interest were
                         sovereign wealth fund’s balance amounted   GYD374,687,000 ($1,794,945) and royalties
                         to GYD219,178,291,000  ($1,049,977,548)   remained at zero.
                         as of September 30, 2022. It also noted   All of the money flowing into the sovereign
                         that the government had deposited some   wealth fund originates from exports of crude
                         GYD20,675,096,000 ($99,044,420) in oil export   extracted from the Liza-1 and Liza-2 sections of
                         earnings in the NRF in September. Earn-  Stabroek, an offshore block operated by a sub-
                         ings from accumulated interest had reached   sidiary of ExxonMobil (US).
                         GYD438,821,000 ($2,102,180), it added, while   These two sites are currently Guyana’s only
                         royalties stood at zero.             producing oilfields. ExxonMobil is aiming to
                           Guyana’s government did not make any   bring the Payara section of Stabroek on stream
                         withdrawals from the NRF in September, it   in 2023, followed by Yellowtail in 2024 and Uaru
                         continued.                           in 2026.
                           Thus far, Georgetown has earned more   The NRF was officially established under the
                         than $1.4bn from crude exports since it began   mandate of a law passed by Guyana’s parliament
                         extracting oil from the Liza-1 field in December   and signed by President Irfaan Ali last Decem-
                         2019. Since it made its first deposit in the NRF, it   ber. Prior to that date, Guyana’s oil revenues had
                         has made only two withdrawals of two tranches   been held in a special account by the US Federal
                         of $200mn each.                      Reserve Bank of New York. ™

                                       All of the funds deposited in the NRF derive from Liza-1 and Liza-2 oil exports (Image: Hess)

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   12•October•2022
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