Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 41 2022
P. 13

LatAmOil                                         BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

                         Eneva is interested in buying IBV’s minority   as anticipated.
                         stakes and has confirmed that it is in the prelim-  Eneva did not divulge any details of its offer
                         inary evaluation phase for such an acquisition,   to acquire IBV’s stakes in the offshore Brazilian
                         epbr said.                           blocks. Petrobras has said it expects to bring
                           However, the deal has yet to be finalised, not   Agulinha and Cavala on stream in 2026 after
                         least since VOVL Ltd, an Indian firm that indi-  installing two floating production, storage and
                         rectly holds a 50% stake in IBV, is currently in   off-loading (FPSOs) there. The sites are antic-
                         the process of reorganisation in the bankruptcy   ipated to yield a combined 120,000 barrels per
                         court in Mumbai.                     day (bpd) of crude oil and 8mn cubic metres per
                           Eneva said in a statement that it had made   day of natural gas.
                         a non-binding proposal that was contingent   According to the statement, Eneva is
                         on the outcome of these proceedings and on a   also considering acquiring a stake directly
                         “legal, financial and technical audit of the assets,   in BM-SEAL-11, another Sergipe-Alagoas
                         the satisfactory negotiation of a purchase and   block that lies in deeper water than Cavala or
                         sale agreement and the fulfilment of all condi-  Agulinha. The company did not reveal any
                         tions precedent.”                    details about its interest in BM-SEAL-11, which
                           It also stressed the preliminary nature of   has been licensed to Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd
                         its offer for IBV, saying that it might still make   (BPCL), another Indian operator.
                         changes to its proposal and that there was no   Eneva is not currently involved in any
                         guarantee that the negotiations would proceed   upstream projects. ™

       Ecuador expects to launch offshore gas

       licensing round in 2024, minister says

                         ECUADOR’S government is drawing up plans   awarded to IOCs within the framework of the
                         for an offshore licensing round for natural gas   Intracampos licensing rounds, which are cur-
                         blocks in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Energy Minister   rently in their second stage.
                         Xavier Vera said earlier this week.    As of May 2022, Ecuador was extracting
                           Vera told Reuters in an interview that Quito   around 495,000 bpd of oil. Output levels have
                         would probably stage auctions for the blocks in   fluctuated this year as a result of strikes and
                         2024, after it wraps up the bidding process for a   other disruptions.
                         group of onshore licence areas next year. He also   Demand for Ecuadorean crude has been ris-
                         said he expected to authorise a proposal for the   ing among US and European refiners since the
                         offshore licensing round in the near future, once   beginning of the year. Many of these buyers see
                         ministry officials have finished demarcating the   the Ecuadorean barrels as a substitute (or par-
                         blocks that will be offered to investors.  tial substitute) for Russian oil, which they can no
                           The minister did not identify any of the areas   longer obtain in the usual quantities due to the
                         that might be included in the offshore auctions.   sanctions imposed in response to the invasion
                         He did state, though, that the Energy Ministry   of Ukraine. ™
                         would be seeking bids from international oil
                         companies (IOCs) interested in development of
                         natural gas resources in the Bay of Guayaquil.
                         Potential investors will be able to bid for produc-
                         tion-sharing contracts (PSCs), he said.
                           He went on to say that his ministry was pre-
                         paring for future exploration projects and efforts
                         to increase oil and gas production by looking
                         into the availability of drilling rigs and other
                         equipment. The country must be able to secure
                         access to the specialised equipment needed to
                         facilitate exploration and development, he said.
                           Reuters noted that Ecuador has announced
                         plans to increase its crude oil output to 750,000
                         barrels per day (bpd) by 2025. Officials in Quito
                         expect a large portion of the additional barrels
                         to come from the onshore fields that are being   Quito is currently auctioning onshore blocks (Image: Gov’t of

       Week 41   12•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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