Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 33 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       exceptional geographic and product diversity.  of Black Widow. The next planned step to   for many years to come,” says Grete Tveit,
       ENERGY TRANSFER, August 16, 2022    amplify our footprint in the Permian Basis oil   SVP Equinor Low Carbon Solutions. “For
                                           field service industry will be to form a leasing   14 years we have been engaged and investing
                                           programme for oil field service equipment for   in this region, and our significant equity gas
       SERVICES                            the benefit of our wholly owned subsidiaries.   production in the Appalachia region has
                                           The company plans on completing this action   proved to be an important low carbon asset in
        NextMart – acquisition             during the month of September 2022 and will   our portfolio. In collaboration with partners
                                           be announcing the full details of this proposed  and the local community, we’re proud to
       of Black Widow Permian              leasing company at that time.        advance this initiative and America’s net zero
                                           NEXTMART, August 12, 2022
       Energy                                                                   a robust industrial sector, and a skilled
                                                                                  With an abundance of low carbon gas,
       NextMart – NXMR would like to announce   ENERGY TRANSITION               workforce, the tri-state region boasts the
       it completed the acquisition of Black Widow                              optimal location for a potential hub. Equinor
       Permian Energy that provides oilfield services   US Steel, Equinor and Shell   and Shell are uniquely positioned to help
       in the Permian Basin.                                                    develop a clean energy hub in the region
         The company acquired 100% of the   to explore regional clean           with each having several operational projects
       ownership equity of Black Widow pursuant to                              around the world. US Steel is a historic
       a share exchange agreement dated August 11,   energy opportunities       innovator and leader in the energy efficient
       2022, for 10,000,000 shares of common stock                              production of steel. And, it has a strategy
       of the company (restricted). Black Widow   United States Steel (US Steel), Equinor US   focused on creating a more sustainable future
       is in Carlsbad, New Mexico, which is in the   Holdings and Shell US Gas & Power have   for all its stakeholders.
       prime oil and gas fields of the Permian Basin,   entered into a non-exclusive co-operation   “We’re proud of the collaboration with
       and provides oilfield services, which includes   agreement to advance a collaborative clean   Equinor and US Steel,” says Lee Stockwell,
       a specialised hot oiler, an end dump truck,   energy hub in the Ohio, West Virginia,   GM US Carbon Capture and Storage for Shell
       and three Super Vac Trucks. Black Widow has   Pennsylvania region. The hub would focus   and signee of the co-operation agreement.
       approximately $1.5 in top line revenue since   on decarbonization opportunities that   “Together, we’ll continue to leverage our deep
       its inception in 2020. It is expected that Black   feature carbon capture utilisation and storage   technical experience, existing networks, and
       Widow is on pace to record top line revenue   (CCUS), as well as hydrogen production   seek to buildout the partnership with our
       of $1.5mn in fiscal year 2020.      and utilisation. The development of this   customers and other partners.”
         Mr. Maldonado (CEO of the company),   hub, and its associated infrastructure, would   “US Steel is investing significant resources
       states’ “We are happy to acquire Black Widow   generate new, sustainable jobs, stimulate   to achieve the sustainability goals in our Best
       in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Michael Rogers has   economic growth, and help achieve significant   for All® strategy, and we know we cannot
       over twenty years’ experience in the oil field   reductions in carbon emissions.  do it all alone. Successfully addressing the
       service industry in the Permian Basin and   The regional CCUS and hydrogen hub   climate crisis requires public and private
       was previously part of one of our subsidiaries,   aligns with both the United States’ and   collaborations,” says Richard L. Fruehauf, US
       Emco Oil Field Services, LLC. We plan on   project partners’ ambitions to realise net-zero   Steel’s Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer.
       immediately expanding Black Widows service   carbon emissions by 2050. To support its   “We cannot – and will not – stand still, and
       footprint with internal financing of additional   development, Equinor and Shell will jointly   this agreement is another effort to advance
       equipment and also allow it to utilise various   apply for US Department of Energy funding   profitable, sustainable steel solutions for
       assets of the company to increase its top line   designated for the creation of regional clean   people and the planet.”
       revenue ongoing. The acquisition of Black   energy hubs. US Steel is evaluating the role it   To realise the true potential of a working
       Widow fits our current business model to   may play in the hub, including as a potential   hub, private and public engagement is critical.
       grow our oil field service business in the   funding participant, customer, supplier, or   Equinor, Shell, and US Steel will be engaging
       Permian Basin, one of the hottest areas   partner.                       the local industry, labour, educational
       domestically for oil and gas production.”  “Establishing a low carbon hub in this   institutions, and communities, and others.
         The company has now acquired three   region could have a profound impact on   UNITED STATES STEEL, EQUINOR US
       oil field services operations located in the   both the climate and the economy, creating   HOLDINGS AND SHELL US GAS & POWER,
       Permian Basin with the current acquisition   sustainable jobs that will support families   August 16, 2022

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 33   18•August•2022
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