Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 33 2022
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

                                           Tellurian completes                  NOG announces Midland
       Laredo        Petroleum             Haynesville Basin                    Basin bolt-on acquisition

       announces divestiture               acquisition                          Northern Oil and Gas (NOG) today
                                                                                announced that it has entered into an
       of Howard County non-               Tellurian today announced that its wholly   agreement to acquire properties in the
                                                                                Midland Basin.
                                           owned subsidiary, Tellurian Production
       operated properties for             (TPC), has closed the previously announced   agreement to acquire non-operated interests
                                                                                  NOG has entered into a definitive
                                           acquisition of certain assets in the Haynesville
       $110mn                              from privately held EnSight IV Energy   in the Midland Basin for a purchase price of
                                           Partners and EnSight Haynesville Partners.
                                                                                $110mn in cash, subject to typical closing
       Laredo Petroleum today announced the   The cash consideration at closing was   adjustments. NOG expects to fund the
       signing of a purchase and sale agreement   $125.5mn, revised from the announced   acquisition with cash on hand, operating
       to divest certain non-operated properties   $125mn due to preliminary purchase price   free cash flow and borrowings under NOG’s
       in Howard County for $110mn, subject to   adjustments. The consideration was funded   revolving credit facility.
       customary closing price adjustments. The   with cash on hand.              At closing, production on the assets is
       transaction is expected to close in October   Tellurian president and CEO Octávio   expected to be greater than 1,600 boe per
       2022, with an effective date of August 1, 2022.  Simões said: “This closing represents   day (2-stream, ~87% oil) and NOG expects
         The non-operated assets comprise ~1,650   significant progress for Tellurian and our   average production of over 1,800 boe per day
       net acres and have expected full-year 2023   business model. By owning and operating   over the next twelve months post-closing
       average net production of ~1,800 boepd   upstream assets, a pipeline network and the   (2-stream, ~86% oil). NOG expects less than
       (~72% oil). The company plans to adjust   Driftwood LNG terminal, Tellurian will have   $5mn of capital expenditures to be incurred
       production guidance post the closing of the   the ability to sell natural gas into domestic or   post-closing in 2022 and does not anticipate
       transaction.                        international markets. This combination of   revising 2022 capital expenditure guidance for
         The sale does not reduce the company’s   assets represents a compelling value for our   the acquisition. These high-quality properties
       eight-year inventory of operated, high-quality   shareholders.”          have operating costs lower than NOG’s
       drilling locations.                   John Howie, president of TPC,      corporate average.
         “We have built a deep portfolio of high-  commented: “The EnSight acquisition is   The acquired assets are located in Howard
       quality development locations, which we   an excellent strategic and operational fit for   County, Texas and include approximately
       consistently optimise through the acquisition   Tellurian. The combination of our existing   1,600 acres, 6.4 net producing wells, 1.6 net
       of high-return assets and sale of certain non-  assets with this acquisition results in an   wells-in-process and approximately 8 net
       core properties,” commented Jason Pigott,   acreage position of more than 20,000 acres   undeveloped locations. Substantially all of the
       president and chief executive officer. “The   and an inventory of more than 275 high   assets are operated by SM Energy.
       implied value of this divestiture is accretive   return, de-risked drilling locations, most   The effective date for the transaction is
       to our net asset value1 per share and raises   of which we can drill opportunistically for   August 1, 2022, and NOG expects to close the
       proceeds that support the repurchase of our   incremental free cash flow.”  transaction in October 2022. The obligations
       equity and debt.”                   TELLURIAN, August 18, 2022           of the parties to complete the transactions
       LAREDO PETROLEUM, August 17, 2022                                        contemplated by the purchase agreement
                                                                                are subject to the satisfaction or waiver of
                                                                                customary closing conditions.
                                                                                NORTHERN OIL AND GAS, August 17, 2022

                                                                                Energy Transfer completes

                                                                                sale of its interest in Energy

                                                                                Transfer Canada

                                                                                Energy Transfer announced today the
                                                                                completion of the sale of its 51% interest
                                                                                in Energy Transfer Canada ULC (Energy
                                                                                Transfer Canada) to a joint venture which
                                                                                includes Pembina Pipeline Corporation and
                                                                                global infrastructure funds managed by KKR.
                                                                                The sale of these assets allows Energy Transfer
                                                                                to further deleverage its balance sheet and
                                                                                redeploy capital within its US footprint, which
                                                                                consists of a portfolio of energy assets with

       Week 33   18•August•2022                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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