Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 33 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       US oil and gas industry weighs

       impact of Inflation Reduction Act

       The oil and gas industry is assessing the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act, which

       has been signed into law by US President Joe Biden

        US               THE oil and gas industry is assessing how it  utilisation project that begins construction
                         will be affected by the Inflation Reduction Act  before January 1, 2033. Perhaps more signif-
       WHAT:             of 2022, which US President Joe Biden signed  icantly, the act also increases the value of the
       The US oil and gas   into law this week. The early response has been  available credits as it seeks to spur wide-scale
       industry’s early response   mixed.                     carbon sequestration across all industrial sec-
       to the Inflation Reduction   The bill has far-reaching implications for the  tors in line with the Biden administration’s
       Act has been mixed.  industry, given that it is aimed – in line with  energy transition goals.
                         much of Biden’s other legislation – at fight-  This has drawn praise from organisations
       WHY:              ing climate change, reducing the US’ green-  including the National Ocean Industries
       Aspects of the act   house gas (GHG) emissions and accelerating  Association (NOIA), which highlighted the
       have been welcomed,   the adoption of renewable energy. Indeed, it  incentives to spur offshore carbon sequestra-
       including the expansion   includes $370bn worth of spending on these  tion innovation contained within the Inflation
       of a CCS credit and a   goals. While the industry has welcomed some  Reduction Act.
       mandate to hold planned   of the measures included in the legislation, con-  “No legislation is perfect, but the IRA’s off-
       lease sales.      cerns are also being raised about certain other  shore energy provisions will enable continued
                         provisions within the bill.          investment in US energy projects by an indus-
       WHAT NEXT:                                             try that is already solving, scaling and deploying
       At the same time, the   Welcome provisions             low-carbon energy solutions,” said NOIA’s presi-
       industry has expressed   Among the provisions that have been welcomed  dent, Erik Milito, in the organisation’s statement
       concern over the bill’s tax   by the industry are the expansion of the 45Q tax  on the passage of the act into law.
       implications.     credit programme for carbon capture and stor-  The American Petroleum Institute, while
                         age (CCS), as well as a mandate for previously  generally being more critical of the Inflation
                         announced federal oil and gas lease sales to be  Reduction Act, nonetheless acknowledged the
                         held.                                “important steps” the legislation takes towards
                           Under the Inflation Reduction Act, the 45Q  new investments in CCS.
                         tax credit is being extended to any carbon   Executives from various oil and gas compa-
                         capture, direct air capture (DAC), or carbon  nies including Occidental Petroleum have also

                                                                                                  US President Joe Biden
                                                                                                  signs the Inflation
                                                                                                  Reduction Act into law.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 33   18•August•2022
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