Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 33 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Enbridge wins battle to keep

       Line 5 case in federal court

        NORTH AMERICA    CANADA’S Enbridge has won a victory in its   The pipeline company is also seeking to
                         ongoing battle with the State of Michigan to keep  replace the underwater section of Line 5, hous-
                         its Line 5 pipeline operating after a judge rejected  ing it in a new tunnel. A federal review of the
                         Michigan’s bid to move jurisdiction over the law-  plan for the tunnel also officially began this
                         suit to state court.                 week, when the US Army Corps of Engineers
                           US District Judge Janet Neff sided a second  launched a 60-day comment period on the
                         time with Enbridge, which maintains that regu-  project. Given the controversy surrounding
       Michigan’s opposition   lation of Line 5 is a federal matter and that legal  the plan, thousands of public comments are
       to Line 5 relates to the   arguments about whether it should continue  expected to be received.
       underwater section of   operating should therefore be handled in federal   Neff had reached the same conclusion about
       the pipeline.     court.                               jurisdiction over Line 5 being a federal matter in
                           Line 5 is part of a network that moves Cana-  a separate lawsuit filed by Whitmer. This week’s
                         dian oil and natural gas liquids (NGLs) to refin-  ruling involved a separate 2019 case by Michigan
                         eries in both countries. Michigan Governor  Attorney General Dana Nessel, also seeking to
                         Gretchen Whitmer has ordered Enbridge to  shut down Line 5.
                         shut Line 5, arguing that the underwater section   Indeed, Neff’s ruling criticised Nessel for
                         of the pipeline, which passes through the Straits  repeating arguments in favour of applying state
                         of Mackinac, poses an environmental threat to  law that she had previously rejected. It would be
                         the Great Lakes. However, Enbridge has refused  “absurd” to have one Line 5 case decided in state
                         to comply, arguing that Whitmer is overstepping  court and another in federal court, she ruled,
                         her authority and that Line 5’s operation falls  also accusing Nessel’s team of “gamesmanship ...
                         under federal jurisdiction.          procedural fencing and forum manipulation”.™


       Phillips 66 makes offer for DCP Midstream

        US               PHILLIPS 66 announced this week that it had  operates an oil pipeline from West Texas to the
                         made a non-binding offer to acquire all publicly  US Gulf Coast.
                         owned common units of pipeline operator DCP   Phillips 66’s offer to take over DCP is subject
                         Midstream. Phillips 66 is proposing to acquire  to the negotiation and execution of a definitive
                         the company for $34.75 per share in a deal that  agreement, which would need to be approved by
                         would value DCP at $7.2bn.           the board of directors of DCP’s general partner.
                           The announcement came on the same day  If the deal is approved, it will further enhance
                         that Phillips 66 also said it had raised its exist-  Phillips 66’s natural gas liquids (NGLs) business,
                         ing stake in DCP from 28.26% to 43.31% while  which has already been bolstered by its transac-
                         lowering its interest in Gray Oak Pipeline from  tion with Enbridge.
                         42.25% to 6.50%. This realignment was executed   “DCP is a valued business in our portfolio
                         through the merger of existing joint ventures  and enhances our existing value chain from well-
                         co-owned by Phillips 66 with Enbridge. Phillips  head to market, creating a platform for future
                         66 contributed roughly $400mn in cash as part  NGL growth,” stated Phillips 66’s president and
                         of that transaction.                 CEO, Mark Lashier, in the announcement about
                           Thanks to the increased stake, Phillips 66 will  the Enbridge transaction.
                         oversee and manage the joint venture’s interest   The acquisition proposal comes around a
                         in DCP, including the general partner. However,  month after Lashier took over as CEO of Phillips
                         if its acquisition offer is accepted, its control over  66, and would represent his first major move as
                         the pipeline company will extend further still.  head of the company if a transaction goes ahead.
                           Enbridge, in turn, has taken over as opera-  Earlier this year, the company also acquired the
                         tor of Gray Oak from Phillips 66, having more  public units in transportation and storage busi-
                         than doubled its stake in that company, which  ness Phillips 66 Partners.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 33   18•August•2022
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