Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 33 2022
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The Inflation Reduction
                                                                                                  Act is aimed, among
                                                                                                  other measures,
                                                                                                  at spurring new
                                                                                                  investments in carbon
                                                                                                  capture and storage.

                         been cited as praising the CCS provisions con-  be subject to a 1% excise tax. Large oil and gas
                         tained within the legislation.       companies that pay little income tax but also
                           NOIA – which represents the broader off-  tend to have some of the largest share buyback
                         shore energy industry, including wind as well  plans stand to be among the most affected by
                         as oil and gas – also highlighted the Inflation  this new tax.
                         Reduction Act’s provisions pertaining to federal   The Inflation Reduction Act also includes
                         lease sales as being among the positives for the  various other tax measures that will have an
                         offshore energy industry.            impact on oil and gas companies. The tax meas-
                           The bill reinstates Lease Sale 257, which had  ures are generally opposed by oil and gas indus-
                         previously been annulled by a court, while also  try groups, and the API recently joined around
                         requiring lease sales 258, 259, and 261 to be held  60 of those groups in writing to House Speaker
                         by the end of 2023. This is despite the fact that  Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Kevin McCa-
                         the Five-Year Leasing Plan those lease sales fall  rthy to voice their opposition to the bill and call
                         under expired in 2022.               for various aspects of it to be reconsidered. This
                           This development is subject to further uncer-  effort did not succeed, with the act since signed
                         tainty, given that a US appeals court this week  into law and the API describing the tax increases
                         found a previous ruling against the Biden  contained within the bill as “simply the wrong
                         administration’s moratorium on federal leasing  policies at the wrong time”.  The Inflation
                         too vague to review. The court’s decision annuls   “From a new corporate minimum tax to an
                         a nationwide injunction forcing federal leasing  $11.7bn tax on crude oil and petroleum prod-  Reduction Act
                         to be restarted.                     ucts to a new natural gas tax, this legislation   also includes
                           Nonetheless it looks as though leasing will  imposes additional costs on American fami-
                         restart thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act.  lies and businesses at a time when policymak-  various other
                         The bill also makes future renewable energy  ers should be looking for solutions to provide
                         projects on federal land and waters contingent  relief,” stated the API’s president and CEO, Mike   tax measures
                         on leasing. Under the legislation, the US govern-  Sommers.
                         ment can issue new wind and solar rights only if                          that will have an
                         it has recently sold new drilling rights too.  What next?                 impact on oil and
                                                              Further reactions to the act are likely to emerge
                         Tax concerns                         in the coming days and weeks, and could well   gas companies.
                         While welcoming some of these developments,  be equally mixed. It appears that the legislation
                         however, the oil and gas industry has also  gives the industry more time to keep producing
                         expressed concern over the tax implications of  oil and gas in the shorter term, while planning
                         the Inflation Reduction Act.         for the energy transition in the longer term.
                           Among the major tax provisions included in   CCS is certainly expected to play a significant
                         the bill is an increase in the minimum corpo-  role within that energy transition, and on this
                         rate tax rate to 15% for those companies that  count, the bill will be seen as a step in the right
                         have book profits of over $1bn. Additionally,  direction. Tax changes, however, are expected to
                         companies that buy back their own stock will  keep running into opposition.™

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