Page 16 - DMEA Week 12 2023
P. 16

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       Nigeria’s LNG output drops          While still far from operating at full capacity,   which at one time controlled 10% of the global
                                           the figure is mildly encouraging after four
                                                                                LNG export market. In 2021, exports of the
       amid flooding and pipeline          consecutive months of falling output. In   super-chilled fuel from Nigeria represented
                                                                                just 6% of the global market share.
                                           January, the facility exported just 1mn tonnes,
       sabotage                            operating at a 53% utilisation rate.  replicated by other LNG exporters on the
                                                                                  Nigeria’s drop in LNG output has been
                                              Kpler forecasts that LNG output at the
       Nigeria’s LNG output has floundered in 2023,   facility will continue its upward trajectory   continent with Algeria, Angola, Cameroon,
       with a string of issues leaving the country’s   in March, predicting 1.22mn tonnes will   Egypt and Equatorial Guinea also witnessing
       six-train LNG facility on Bonny Island in the   be delivered globally. Nevertheless, many   a drop in utilisation rates of their export
       Niger Delta producing far below capacity   industry experts believe the country is missing  terminals.
       since last year, according to a report from   out on an important opportunity as demand   NEWSBASE
       Natural Gas Intelligence. The facility, which   in Europe soars for LNG as the continent
       boasts a capacity of 22mn tonnes per year   seeks to replace Russian gas with the super-
       (tpy), has recorded a significant output drop   chilled fuel.
       on the back of intense flooding, pipeline   With the International Energy Agency
       sabotage and upstream gas supply issues.  (IEA) predicting a tight market to last until
         Falling output at the facility dates back   2026, when a plethora of new projects will
       to October 2022, when the plant declared   come online, a golden opportunity exists for
       force majeure as a result of flooding. Exports   NLNG to increase profits in the short term.
       have been protractedly declining since then   Africa’s largest plant has seen dwindling
       according to Kpler analyst Ana Subasic.  output since 2019, when exports from NLNG
         In February, Nigeria LNG (NLNG)   reached 21.33mn tonnes. In 2022, exports
       reported exports of 1.07mn tonnes, which   fell to just 14.61mn tonnes. It represents an
       represents 63% of its total monthly capacity.   enormous drop for the West African country,

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 12   23•March•2023
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