Page 13 - DMEA Week 12 2023
P. 13

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              networks and facilitate the digital   Dr. Joseph Obel, said the assurances of the
                                           transformation of the Kingdom, according to   minister were one too many without result.
       Egypt’s import bill dropped         a press release.                     in Port Harcourt on Thursday and sent to
                                                                                  Obele said this in a statement issued
                                             It noted that both companies will
       to $1bn in December 2022            work together to contribute to the digital   newsmen.
                                                                                  While noting that it was not the first time
                                           transformation of various industrial sectors
       Egypt’s import bill for hydrocarbons and their   in the Kingdom which includes energy,   the minister was making such a promise, he
       by-products retreated by $76mn to $1bn in   petrochemical, and manufacturing.   said it was unfortunate that on each occasion,
       December 2022, mostly affected by falling   Aramco, with the help of Samsung   he had failed to deliver and that he would fail
       imports of crude oil and refined petroleum   Electronics, will leverage advanced 4G and   again.
       products, Al Mal newspaper reported.  5G technologies to provide secure, fast, and   He stated that the Federal Government
         Crude oil imports were down by $125mn   reliable communication means to meet the   was not committed to fixing the refineries and
       at $110mn, while refined petroleum products   critical requirements of businesses operating   seeing them function, adding that Nigeria is
       imports fell by $49mn to $735mn in   in various industries.              the only ‘critical’ member of the Organisation
       December 2022, while natural gas imports   The new MoU was signed by Aramco, just   of Petroleum Exporting Countries without a
       mostly from offshore Israeli fields grew by   two months after it launched a new digital   functional refinery.
       $97mn to $117mn. Likewise, imports of   firm during the In-Kingdom Total Value Add   he statement read: “The Minister of State
       coal, mostly for the iron and steel industry,   Forum, also known as iktva.   for Petroleum did promise Nigerians that
       increased by $3.9mn to $34mn in December   “We are planning to invest $1.9 billion   the Port Harcourt refinery would commence
       2022.                               over the next three years, making it the   operations by December 2022, he failed.
         Egypt imports crude and refined   biggest Aramco investment in digital to date,   “Secondly, he said by first quarter of 2023,
       petroleum products to complement its   while adding value to the Kingdom’s digital   he failed. Now, he is saying second quarter of
       middle tier hydrocarbons producer status.   ecosystem,” said Amin Nasser, Aramco’s   2023, he will definitely fail.
       Its domestic production of all types of   president, and CEO following the launch.  “They are not committed to seeing the
       hydrocarbons hit 79.5mn tonnes for the full   ARAB NEWS                  refinery functional. They are comfortable
       year 2022, out of which crude petroleum and                              importing from the international market
       condensates accounted for 27.8mn tonnes,                                 because they have shares in those foreign
       with the remainder 52mn tonnes of oil   REFINING                         refineries.
       equivalent (toe) being natural gas production.                             “It will take a corrupt-free government to
       High natural gas prices over the past year   IPMAN faults minister       make our refineries functional, then and only
       expanded Egypt’s natural gas export bill to                              the persistent fuel scarcity will be a thing of
       $8.4bn in 2022, up from $3.5bn in 2021.  over Port Harcourt refinery     the past and Nigerians will buy fuel less than
       NEWSBASE                                                                 #100 per litre.”
                                           completion date                      said, “We don’t trust them anymore, so they
                                                                                  Continuing, the state IPMAN Chairman
       COMPANIES                           The Independent Petrol Marketers     should stop making promises and continue
                                           Association of Nigeria has faulted the Minister  importing from those foreign refineries
       Aramco, Samsung sign                of State for Petroleum, Timipre Sylva, over his   owned by their business partners.
                                                                                  “Nigeria is the only critical member of
                                           assurance on the completion date of the Port
       digital transformation deal         Harcourt refinery.                   OPEC without a functional refinery, we
                                             Sylva had at a seminar by defence
                                                                                should be ashamed as a nation.”
       Global energy giant Saudi Aramco has   correspondents recently in Abuja said the   PUNCH
       signed a non-binding memorandum of   refinery would be ready before the end of the
       understanding with Samsung Electronics   second quarter of the year.     NDEP doubles its refining
       to localise industrial 5G communication   But the IPMAN Chairman in Rivers State,
                                                                                output in Ogbele

                                                                                Niger Delta Exploration & Production
                                                                                (NDEP) Plc, produced 152.84Million litres
                                                                                of diesel, kerosene, high pour fuel oil and
                                                                                naphtha from its three -phase refinery in 2022.
                                                                                  Nigeria’s best ranked indigenous E&P firm
                                                                                doubled its output of petroleum products for
                                                                                the second consecutive year: 2022’s was 105%
                                                                                increase on 2021’s 74.53Million litres. That
                                                                                itself was double the output of 37mn litres in
                                                                                  “The refinery was the focal point for the
                                                                                company’s realising value in 2022”, says Gbite
                                                                                Falade, the company’s CEO.
                                                                                  The surge in production was extracted in
                                                                                a severely challenging business environment.

       Week 12   23•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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