Page 8 - DMEA Week 12 2023
P. 8

DMEA                                      POLICY & SECURITY                                            DMEA

       Iran and Saudi look to

       continue thaw following deal

        IRAN / SAUDI     THE Iranian Ministry of Petroleum (MoP) this  energy and oil market. He warned against any
                         week released a statement expressing its willing-  interference, including political and legal med-
                         ness to accept foreign investment in its oil and  dling, as it could endanger stability and security
                         gas projects. This announcement came shortly  in the global energy market and fail to eradicate
                         after a senior official from Saudi Arabia stated  energy poverty.
                         that his country was ready to make “quick invest-  Owji stressed that the global energy market
                         ments” in Iranian development projects.  must rid itself of politicisation to achieve stabil-
                           While the statement did not mention any  ity, and political and legal intervention for short-
                         specific countries or companies, it noted that  sighted objectives could prevent pre-planned
                         investment from members of the OPEC+ alli-  investments in oil and energy industries’ devel-
                         ance would be particularly welcome in Tehran,  opment projects, causing instability and inse-
                         as it would benefit global energy security given  curity in the global energy market. Despite the
                         Iran’s position as one of the world’s leading hold-  uncertainties caused by the coronavirus pan-
                         ers of oil and gas reserves.         demic and its impact on the world economy, the
                           Saudi Arabia is currently the world’s larg-  decisions made by OPEC+ member states over
                         est oil exporter and a leading member of the  the past three years have to a great extent guaran-
                         OPEC+ alliance, which includes OPEC and  teed stability and balance of the energy market to
                         its allies, such as Russia. Meanwhile, Iran is the  serve both producers and consumers’ interests.
                         third-largest natural gas producer globally and   Iran, being one of the world’s largest holders
                         continues to be a significant supplier of crude oil  of oil and gas reserves, places great significance
                         to Asian markets, despite US sanctions imposed  on new investments in the oil industry and wel-
                         since 2018.                          comes any type of investment in its oil and gas
                           Earlier  this  month,  political authorities  sectors, particularly by OPEC+ member states.
                         from Iran and Saudi Arabia met in Beijing to  By doing so, Iran hopes to take a significant
                         announce the restoration of their diplomatic  step towards guaranteeing the world’s energy
                         relations by reopening embassies that had been  security.
                         closed since 2016.                     The Iranian and Saudi statements indicate an
                           The Iranian Minister of Petroleum, Javad  apparent thawing of relations between the two
                         Owji, also released a statement emphasising  countries and a willingness to co-operate in the
                         the importance of stability in the international  energy sector.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 12   23•March•2023
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