Page 4 - DMEA Week 12 2023
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Investors invited

       for new Iraqi

       refining projects

       Iraq has announced plans to develop seven new refineries to help with

       energy security and lower imports, but the plans look too ambitious

        IRAQ            IRAQ has invited foreign investors for seven  100,000 bpd, the Kirkuk refinery with a capacity
                        planned refinery projects in the country, with  of 100,000 bpd and the Qayyarah refinery with
                        bidding for three of these already underway.  an equal capacity of 100,000 bpd.”
       WHAT: Iraq has      The move comes as part of Iraq’s drive to   In early 2021, then deputy Oil Minister
       invited bids for new   rebuild its downstream sector in a bid to domes-  Hamid Younis said the ministry was keen “to
       refinery projects, hoping to   ticate more fuel production and monetise its  accelerate the development of the refinery sec-
       secure large scale foreign   growing upstream output.  tor in Iraq by building modern refineries and
       investment.         The initial three projects consist of a 50,000  introducing new units for the current refineries.”
                        barrel per day refinery in Maysan, a 70,000-bpd  He added that the country would experience a
       WHY: The country   plant in Nineveh and a 30,000-bpd unit in Basra  “qualitative increase in the production of oil
       aims to cut its reliance on   city.                   derivatives.”
       imported oil and increase   Offers for a further three refineries are to   While Iraq has announced ambitious plans
       domestic production.  be submitted on April 2, with another unit to  at various points over the last decade, tangible
                        be tendered later in the year, according to Iraqi  progress has finally been made with the devel-
       WHAT NEXT:       Oil Minister Hayan Abdulghani. Regarding the  opment of the 140,000-bpd Karbala unit, which
       Despite progress at   goals of the projects, he said: “These investment  is in the process of commissioning. According to
       Karbala, there is plenty of   opportunities constitute a shift in the govern-  a statement from the oil ministry, the aim of the
       scope for scepticism about   ment’s strategy towards encouraging foreign  projects is “to increase national refining capacity,
       the latest raft of promised   investment in oil refining and opening new hori-  cover local needs for oil products and eventually
       investments.     zons for international companies and the local  export surplus to foreign markets”.
                        private sector in this industry”.      Dr. Haider Muhammad Makiya, chairman
                           Projects with the April 2 deadline comprise a  of the National Investment Commission (NIC),
                        50,000-bpd plant in Dhi Qar, a 100,000-bpd unit  expressed hope that the investment opportuni-
                        in Wasit, and a 70,000-bpd facility in Muthanna.  ties would “contribute to the national economy
                        The seventh is located in the restive Anbar Prov-  and set the country on a path to sustainable
                        ince and is also planned to have a capacity of  development”.
                        70,000 bpd.
                                                             Project purgatory?
                        Boosting output capacity             Iraq’s refining sector has long suffered from
                        Iraq’s downstream ambitions have been in the  dilapidation and under-investment despite big
                        works for years, with Abdulghani, who was  promises, resulting in the country, the second
                        appointed in October, saying in January that  largest oil producer in OPEC+ (at 4.6mn bpd),
                        multiple investment opportunities would soon  having to import most of its fuel requirements.
                        be offered in the form of new production units   The country was estimated last year to be
                        for existing refineries.             spending around $3bn per year on importing oil
                           Abdulghani said that “a number of invest-  products, including 1.07mn tonnes of gasoil at
                        ment opportunities will soon be presented in  $657mn, 3.46mn tonnes of gasoline for $2.5bn
                        the refining industry sector, after completing  and 163,000 tonnes of white oil at a value of
                        the papers and information related to the refin-  $102mn.
                        ery bags that will be announced in a number of   Delays have also consistently slowed or halted
                        Northern, Southern and Central governorates.”  the progress of many new Iraqi projects, like Kar-
                           He added: “The ministry, within plans to  bala, which had been slated to start production
                        increase refining capacities, will offer invest-  in 2018.
                        ment opportunities in the Amarah refinery in   This was later adjusted to 2022, and
                        Maysan Governorate with a capacity of 150,000  finally mid-March of this year. However, lat-
                        bpd, the Muthanna refinery with a capacity of  est announcements have spoken of further

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