Page 5 - DMEA Week 12 2023
P. 5

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                         extending the deadline to the second half of this
                         year instead.                         based in Switzerland. The company had no track
                           Other examples include a 13-year delay for  record of executing refining projects, and concerns
                         a project to upgrade the Samawah Refinery in  were raised following media reports that the com-
                         Southern Muthanna, a contract which was initially  pany’s CEO had been convicted for suspect busi-
                         awarded in 2008, and further re-awarded in 2022.  ness dealings in the past.
                           Hamid Jihadi, an aide to the Muthanna Gover-  While Abdulghani appears to have enjoyed
                         nor, was quoted as saying the project has not been  successes since his appointment through the
                         finished because of “financial and administrative  long-awaited signing of deals for the fifth licensing
                         obstacles.”                           round, staving off IOC departures and the oppor-
                           The 150,000 bpd Maysan refinery also suffered  tune timing of Karbala’s upcoming launch, history
                         delays in construction due to water shortages in  suggests that landing more than one of the latest
                         2018, and has been mired in controversy since its  slate of projects will pose a major challenge. As the
                         inception due to a corruption scandal involving  country struggles to maintain its current facilities
                         the Iraqi oil ministry for awarding the engineer-  and has a raft of ongoing projects, it may be that a
                         ing, procurement and construction (EPC) contract  ‘less is more’ approach may be more appropriate
                         to Satarem, an unknown quantity in engineering  for a sector much in need of reform.™

       Week 12   23•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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