Page 10 - DMEA Week 12 2023
P. 10

DMEA                                           COMPANIES                                               DMEA

       KPC to cut back Asian crude

       sales as Al-Zour ramps up

        KUWAIT           ASIAN refiners were recently informed by   The project’s developer, state-owned Kuwait
                         Kuwait Petroleum Co. (KPC) that the supply of  Integrated Petroleum Industries Co. (KIPIC),
                         Kuwait Export Blend crude could be reduced  first began test runs at the giant greenfield facility
                         by April under terms stipulated in new annual  in June 2022, marking the start of the commis-
                         contracts.                           sioning. This included the start-up of one of the
                           The request by Kuwait to Asian refiners to  refinery’s three 205,000-bpd crude distillation
                         reduce oil imports comes as the country aims to  units (CDUs), with the intention of commission-
                         begin full-scale production at its 615,000 barrels  ing them fully later in same year. The second and
                         per day (bpd) Al Zour refinery later in the year.  third CDUs were to be commissioned in Octo-
                           The supply cut may bolster prices as refin-  ber and December; however delays pushed this
                         ers look for extra deliveries from Kuwait’s  back until later in 2023 instead.
                         neighbours.                            Al-Zour will also be able to export between
                           Both India and Japan have already announced  85,000 bpd and 106,000 bpd of very low sulphur
                         that plans to reduce their annual purchases have  fuel oil (VLSFO) once it reaches full capacity.
                         commenced, with the Indian Oil Corp. (IOC)  This will meet 8% to 10% of monthly fuel oil
                         saying it would reduce its yearly oil purchases  demand in Asia, which is short finished 0.5%
                         from Kuwait next month by 20% of 20,000 bpd.  VLSFO products.
                           To make up for the reduction in oil from   Refinitiv analyst Emril Jamil said last month:
                         Kuwait, the company raised its term crude vol-  “We anticipate most of Kuwait’s VLSFO will flow
                         umes from Iraq’s state oil marketer SOMO by  to Singapore as it is a key maritime hub for fuel
                         20,000 bpd. Meanwhile, Japanese sources were  replenishments.” Asia is also short naphtha, with
                         widely quoted this week as saying that KPC had  data from Vortexa and Kpler showing that KPC
                         contacted numerous refineries in the country to  exported 150,000 tonnes of light and full-range
                         negotiate supply reductions, but no details were  naphtha to countries such as South Korea and
                         disclosed.                           Japan between November and January from
                           Al-Zour is expected to cater to strong middle  Al-Zour. Shipments to other destinations such as
                         distillate demand in Europe, which is increas-  Taiwan, Singapore and Thailand have also been
                         ingly short of diesel following the recent Russian  rising, and total exports could increase to 3.5mn
                         oil product import ban.              tonnes per year (tpy) at full capacity.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 12   23•March•2023
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