Page 15 - DMEA Week 12 2023
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       flagship carrier Aeroflot, had operated more   CNG mother station at Mlimani City that   spokesperson wrote.
       than 2,100 flights using US-made Boeing   will enable large vehicles to pick up gas   Angola LNG had just a few days earlier put
       jets to Turkey since October 1, according to   and distribute it to various regions where   a cargo of LNG up for sale in a tender slated to
       data from aviation analytics firm Cirium,   infrastructure has not yet been reached.  close on March 22. The exact amount of LNG
       cited by the WSJ. The flights included   Other stations will be constructed in   available for sale was unclear as of press time,
       regular trips from Moscow to Turkish   Bagamoyo by Turky Petroleum, two at   but Argus Media noted that Angola LNG had
       destinations including Istanbul, Izmir and the   Mkuranga by Anric Company and Dangote,   been offering to make the cargo available on
       Mediterranean resort city of Antalya.  and Goba by BQ Company, according to The   a delivered ex-ship (DES) basis for transport
         When the US tightened the screw over   Citizen.                        to various destinations between April 9 and
       Turkey welcoming Russian aircraft, Turkey’s   NEWSBASE                   April 26.
       largest airport ground-handling service                                    The sale of this cargo would have
       provider Havas sent out internal memos                                   represented Angola LNG’s second tender
       warning of risks in handling imported aircraft   TERMINALS & SHIPPING    since the beginning of March, Argus Media
       operated by airlines from Russia, Belarus and                            reported. The first, which covered a cargo of
       Iran and by Russian businessman Roman   Angola LNG cancels               LNG for delivery between late March and
       Abramovich for his private travel.                                       early April, closed on March 15.
         Havas is owned by TAV Airports, a leading   tender for upcoming cargo    The second tender had been expected to
       operator of Turkish airports (it operates 90                             boost the volume of LNG supplies in the Asia-
       airports in 29 countries), and serves planes at   shipments              Pacific region, according to Argus Media.
       Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya and other locations.                             Equity in Angola LNG is divided between
       NEWSBASE                            Angola LNG, the operator of a 5.2mn tonne   Chevron (US), with 36.4%; Sonangol, the
                                           per year (tpy) natural gas liquefaction plant   national oil company (NOC) of Angola, with
       Tanzania starts licensing to        in Soyo, confirmed on March 22 that it had   22.8%; TotalEnergies (France), with 13.6%;
                                           cancelled tenders for LNG cargoes scheduled
                                                                                Eni (Italy), with 13.6%; and BP (UK), with
       CNG stations                        for delivery in April because of problems on   13.6%. The partners operate an LNG plant
                                                                                that was built using a proprietary liquefaction
                                           its production line.
       Tanzania Petroleum Development         In a message emailed to LNG Prime, a   process developed by ConocoPhillips (US),
       Corporation (TPDC) has licensed 20   spokesperson for Angola LNG explained that   one of the original shareholders in the project.
       companies to build Compressed Natural Gas   plans for upcoming sales had been put on   The facility has been in operation since
       (CNG) stations that will also have workshops   hold for the time being. “I can confirm that   2013 and produces LPG and condensate
       to convert petrol vehicles, The Citizen reports.  the Angola LNG plant experienced a pressure   as well as LNG. It uses associated gas from
         Wellington Hudson, TPDC’s oil and   surge in the loading line and is currently   oilfields at offshore sites developed by its
       gas director, said some licensed companies   operating at reduced rates,” the spokesperson   shareholders -including Blocks 14, 15, 17
       are owned by locals while others are joint   said.                       and 18 -and natural gas from offshore fields
       ventures involving local and foreign investors.   No specific details on the incident were   such as Atum, Enguia, Polvo and Quiluma as
       Each CNG station will be able to fill six   available as of press time, and Angola LNG   feedstock.
       vehicles at once and enhance six lorries to pick  did not reveal the extent to which the pressure   Interest in Angola LNG’s production has
       up gas from the station and distribute it to   surge had affected output levels. It did say,   risen considerably since the outbreak of war
       other areas.                        though, that it was looking into the matter.  in Ukraine triggered a declined in Russian gas
         Hudson said within the set timeframe of   “Upcoming tenders have been withdrawn   deliveries to Europe.
       two years, the corporation plans to build a   while this is being investigated,” the   NEWSBASE

       Week 12   23•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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