Page 12 - DMEA Week 12 2023
P. 12
Fourth train of South Pars Phase
14 refinery starts production
IRAN IRANIAN media reported this week that the would be completed by the end of the year.
fourth and final train at the South Pars Phase The second train was commissioned in
14 refinery had started production. Deputy November last year.
Minister of Petroleum and National Iranian The upstream phase 14 has a production
Oil Co. (NIOC) CEO Mohsen Khojastehmehr capacity of 56 mcm per day of gas, 75,000 bpd of
announced the initial start-up of the refinery in condensate, 400 tonnes per day of sulphur and
March 2022, upon receiving raw sour gas from a combined 1mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LPG
the offshore field. South Pars is split into 24 off- and ethane.
shore development phases and 14 onshore gas The LPG and ethane are used as feedstock
refineries that process the gas produced offshore. by petrochemicals producers in the Pars Special
Khojastehmehr said at the time that the Economic Zone (PSEZ).
first phase of the refinery began at a processing The refinery’s launch means that the only
capacity of 14.2mn cubic metres per day of gas remaining section of the South Pars devel-
and around 10,000 barrels per day (bpd) of con- opment is the upstream Phase 11, which was
densates. It was also said that production would expected to begin production in 2022.
ramp up to 56 mcm per day once the remaining The South Pars and North Dome fields,
three refining units were commissioned. located in the Persian Gulf, are shared between
Announcement of start-up fell on the eve of Iran and Qatar and cover an area of 9,700 square
the Iranian New Year (Nowruz) and in line with km. South Pars, 3,700 square km in size, is sit-
comments in January from Phase 14 project uated in Iran’s territorial waters, whereas the
manager Mohammad-Mehdi Tavasoli-Pour remaining 6,000 square km, called North Dome,
while launching the third train that the facility belong to Qatar.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 12 23•March•2023