Page 5 - DMEA Week 18 2021
P. 5

DMEA                                         COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

                         largest. This consumed 43.8% of the company’s  and chemicals, which will reinforce SABIC as the
                         crude oil production during Q1, up from 35.5%  chemicals arm of Saudi Aramco,” SABIC said.
                         during the same period in 2020.        It will also sell benzene and methyl tert-bu-
                           Aramco and SABIC claim to have identi-  tyl ether (MTBE) to Aramco, which in turn will
                         fied $3-4bn worth of overlaps and are working  source European cracker feedstock and benzene
                         on integration. Meanwhile, during the nine  for SABIC.
                         months following the closure of the deal they   The news follows the March announcement
                         have achieved synergies of $156mn.   that SABIC would take over the marketing of
                           Downstream has accounted for the majority  polyutheranes, chemical products and poly-
                         of Aramco’s growth in recent years and the com-  ethylene produced by the Jubail-based Sadara
                         pany’s focus on improving synergies is only likely  Chemical Co. joint venture (JV) between Ara-
                         to continue.                         mco and Dow Chemical of the US as of July 1.
                           It has committed to complete the spin-off of   This week’s arrangement between Aramco
                         its downstream activities into a wholly owned  and SABIC will also see responsibilities for the
                         subsidiary within the next three years, otherwise  Pengerang Petrochemical Co. (PRefChem) in
                         it will be liable for five years of retroactive taxes  Malaysia, Sadara and Korean refiner S-Oil trans-
                         relating to its downstream operations charged at  ferred to SABIC.
                         an additional 30-65% to the 20% it has already   “The financial performance of SABIC
                         paid.                                improved in the first quarter of 2021 compared
                                                              with the previous quarter due to increased mar-
                         SABIC synergies                      gins driven by higher product prices, supported
                         Also this week, Aramco announced that SABIC  by a rise in [the] oil price, healthy demand and
                         would assume responsibility for selling the  tightness in the supply for most of the key prod-
                         majority of the Dhahran-based firm’s chemicals  ucts,” the company said in an official statement.
                         and thereby effectively becoming Aramco’s pet-  Despite its immense scale – nearly 1.7mn tpy
                         rochemicals trading arm.             of petchems production – delays and accidents
                           SABIC will begin trading around 5.4mn tpy  at PRefChem have been a headache for Aramco
                         of Aramco’s chemicals and polymer products,  since its inception, and passing operational
                         while Aramco Trading will continue to sell fuel  responsibility on to SABIC is likely to be a relief
                         products. The chemicals specialist said that the  in certain areas.
                         move would provide it with around 900,000 tpy   While Aramco has clearly run a successful
                         of products for sale.                refining business for decades, these moves will
                           “The new capacities include polyurethane,  apportion responsibility to areas of the wider
                         propylene oxide and butyl glycol ethers, which  business that fit with their strategic focus and
                         will expand our product portfolio. We expect  allow the parent to tackle emerging areas of
                         our global market share to increase in polymers  interest such as hydrogen.™

       Week 18   06•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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