Page 6 - DMEA Week 18 2021
P. 6

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Iraq turns attention to gas

       A string of announcements relating to the Iraqi gas sector
       this week indicates that the tide may finally be turning.

        MIDDLE EAST      IRAQ made a series of gas-related announce-  first phase was never awarded.
                         ments this week, which, following on from the
                         recent award to China’s Sinopec of a develop-  Iran payments
       WHAT:             ment contract award for the Al-Mansouriyah  Despite the progress with domestic gas devel-
       Iraq is one of the world’s   gas and condensate, suggest that Baghdad is  opments, in the days following Abdul Jabbar’s
       worst gas flarers and   finally getting serious about addressing flaring  comments, Iraq reached a deal with Iran for
       utilising associated   and ramping up gas production. However, with  settling outstanding debts to Tehran for gas.
       gas and developing   increased supplies from Iran and new flows  The agreement was announced after a meeting
       non-associated fields   via Syria discussed, Baghdad obviously does  between Iraqi Electricity Minister Majid Mahdi
       offers an opportunity for   not have a clear line of sight on when it might  Hantoush and Iranian Energy Minister Reza
       economic diversification.  become self-reliant.        Ardakanian in Tehran.
                           While this is all positive, it should be noted   “In the meetings we had, all the ways and
       WHY:              that Iraq flared 632bn cubic feet (18bn cubic  solutions for the resumption of Iran’s energy
       Baghdad has struggled   metres) of gas associated with oil production  supply to Iraq were discussed, and certainly the
       to keep the lights on   in 2019, making it the world’s second-worst  co-operation [between the two sides] will con-
       and has become heavily   offender.                     tinue,” said Hantoush who had also met with
       reliant on gas and   The Al-Mansouriyah award, which will see  Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh.
       electricity imports from   Sinopec partner state-owned Midland Oil Co.   “We reached good agreements on this issue
       Iran.             to tap reserves of around 4.6 trillion cubic feet  and payment methods,” he added.
                         (130 bcm), had been anticipated, with rumours   The visit followed a reduction in flows by the
       WHAT NEXT:        swirling around Saudi Arabian involvement as  National Iranian Gas Co. (NIGC) as a result of
       Developing gas fields and   a means of kick-starting Iraq’s gas sector and  arrears building up from previous payments.
       utilising flared gas has   thereby reducing its reliance on imported gas  Following his meeting with Hantoush, Zan-
       major potential, but as   and electricity from neighbouring Iran.  ganeh said that two major gas export deals had
       with most things in Iraq,   Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar this week  been signed, while “27 bcm of gas has been
       expectations should be   said that developing Al-Mansouriyah will cost  exported to Iraq … but the payment is facing
       tempered.         around $2.1bn, with gas produced from the field  problems and we hope we could reach a solution
                         feeding the nearby Mansouriyah power station  on the issue.” Baghdad is understood to be keen
                         and one in Baghdad.                  to have gas flows restored ahead of the hottest
                           Security problems hampered the efforts of the  summer months, with Iranian media saying that
                         previous consortium led by Turkey’s TPAO well  Hantoush spoke of issues unfreezing cash due
                         before the incursion by IS militants in 2014 and  to Iran because of US sanctions on the Islamic
                         an engineering, procurement and construction  Republic. However, Washington has given Bagh-
                         (EPC) contract tendered in 2015 on the planned  dad a lengthy series of waivers, allowing Iraq to
                         100mn cubic foot (2.8mn cubic metre) per day  pay Iran for gas and electricity supplies.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 18   06•May•2021
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