Page 11 - MEOG Week 37 2021
P. 11

MEOG                                  PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       KOC to increase drilling

       to hit output target

        KUWAIT           STATE-OWNED Kuwait Oil Co. (KOC) is plan-  of heavy oil. The $400mn contract was reported
                         ning to drastically increase drilling as part of its  to have already been awarded to an international
                         plan to fulfil its output capacity target of 4mn  company, but that it was yet to be signed.
                         barrels per day by 2040, up from the current 3.1-  According to KOC’s original plan, by 2026/27
                         3.2mn bpd.                           output from South Ratqa would grow to 120,000
                           A company source was quoted telling the  bpd, rising to 230,000 bpd by 2030/31, with
                         local Arabic language Aljarida daily that KOC  heavy oil from the nearby Umm Niqa field seen
                         would drill an extra 300 wells per year over “the  climbing first to 50,000 bpd and then to 80,000
                         coming period”, taking the annual total to 700.  bpd over the same period.
                           He said that the drilling campaign would   A fourth phase would then see Ratqa’s pro-
                         come as part of a $6.1bn capital expenditure on  duction lifted to 325,000 bpd, while the final
                         exploration activities over the next five years,  phase envisages output from the two fields total-
                         with ongoing exploration efforts expected to  ling 430,000 bpd.
                         conclude by 2023.                      Aljarida’s source said that construction is
                           The source noted that KOC is also intending  around 93% complete on the heavy oil facilities
                         to begin exports of crude oil once production  at South Ratqa, with roughly 930 wells having
                         allows, with current output running at around  been drilled to allow for increased production.
                         60,000 bpd.                            The comments follow reports in July that
                           Heavy crude is produced under the Lower  KOC planned to drill more than 750 wells in the
                         Fars Heavy Oil Project which comprises Umm  north of the country as it seeks to increase its oil
                         Niqa and South Ratqa.                production capacity, despite shelving plans for
                           The broader Ratqa asset was discovered in the  nearby gas development. In 2020, Kuwait pro-
                         late 1970s, but efforts to develop the field were  duced an average of 2.43mn bpd, having fallen
                         largely stifled until the UK’s Petrofac was finally  to 2.085mn bpd in June last year.
                         awarded a $4.2bn engineering, procurement &   Speaking to Al-Anba, the sources said that
                         construction (EPC) contract to execute the first  KOC had invited three international oilfield
                         phase in early 2015. This called for combined  specialists – Halliburton, Schlumberger and
                         production of 60,000 bpd by last year.  Weatherford, all of the US – to submit financial
                           Output from the two fields under the project  and technical bids for the project. They noted
                         reached a first phase plateau capacity of 75,000  that there are likely to be several rounds of nego-
                         bpd following the start of operations in February  tiations until agreement is reached on price. In
                         2020.                                February, Halliburton won a contract to collab-
                           Then in September, KOC was reported to  orate on expanding digital solutions for the com-
                         have cancelled a project to drill 11 wells as part  pany’s North Kuwait asset.™
                         of the country’s efforts to expand the production

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