Page 13 - MEOG Week 37 2021
P. 13

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       Jalalzadeh reiterated.              and Education – the projects are key to   feedstock for the project.
         He stressed: “ The priority of the Islamic   accelerating the growth of Oman’s non-  A similar WTE project, estimated to cost
       Republic is economic diplomacy with   hydrocarbon economy.               around RO 263 million, is proposed to be
       neighboring countries.”                Overseeing the implementation of the   set up at Haima in central Oman to generate
         During his visit to Tehran, Prime Minister   six circular economy ventures is Oman   superheated steam from municipal waste to
       al-Kadhimi addressed many bilateral issues   Environmental Services Holding Company   support the enhanced oil operations (EOR)
       and discussed ways to boost ties with Iran in   (be’ah), which manages the Sultanate’s solid   of Petroleum Development Oman (PDO).
       an arduous effort to balance Iraq’s relations   waste sector.            Alternatively, the project could generate
       with key stakeholders in the region.   be’ah is a subsidiary of the Oman   electricity and thereby supplant natural gas as
         Heading a politico-economic delegation,   Investment Authority (OIA), the Sultanate’s   fuel for power generation.
       al-Kadhimi was welcomed by the new Iranian   integrated sovereign wealth fund.  Also on the anvil is an investment proposal
       president, Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi. The   Among the projects targeted for   centring on the recycling of waste linked to
       Iraqi premier met with the Iranian president   investment are two small-scale biogas schemes  electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
       to discuss a variety of issues including visa   planned in and around Muscat Governorate.   It envisions the establishment of two
       abolition for Iranian citizens, completion of a   One such plant, with an electricity generation   WEEE recycling facilities in the north and
       joint railway project and increasing the level   capacity of around 2 MW, is proposed to   south of the country. The project encompasses
       of trade between Iran and Iraq.     support the energy needs of Sultan Qaboos   the collection, dismantling, processing and/
         During a joint press conference, the two   University in Al Khoudh.    or refurbishing of waste, along with special
       leaders stressed the importance of deepening   The proposed biogas plant, estimated to   destruction facilities for hazardous items.
       the Iran-Iraq relations at all levels.   cost RO 8 million, will process an estimated   Total investment costs are around RO 5
         “The deep bonds between Tehran and   75,000 tonnes per annum of organic waste   million.
       Baghdad stems from the beliefs and hearts   as feedstock sourced from commercial   Wrapping up the list of opportunities is
       of two nations, two countries and two   establishments.                  a small-scale project, valued at around RO 2
       governments,” Ayatollah Raisi said. “Despite   The other biogas plant, proposed to come   million, for processing used cooking coil into
       the wishes of the enemies, the level of relations  up at Barka, will also use organic waste as   biodiesel fuel.
       between Iran and Iraq will develop day by   feedstock. But in addition to generating about   OMAN DAILY OBSERVER
       day.”                               2 MW of electricity to support the needs of
       TEHRAN TIMES                        local industries, organic digestate – a nutrient-
                                           rich by-product of anaerobic digestion – is   OIL
       Circular economy projects           proposed to be used for local agriculture.   Contractors submit bids for
                                           Furthermore, be’ah sees the potential for the
       open for investment in              incorporation of a composting facility that can   $5bn-plus Zuluf offshore
                                           produce over 16,500 tonnes of solid fertiliser
       Oman                                and 45,000 tonnes of liquid fertiliser annually.
                                           The project cost is about RO 9 million.
       Oman’s continuing journey down the circular   But the biggest of the proposals offered up   scheme
       economy route has opened up as many as six   for investment is a Waste-to-Energy project,   Leading international contractors have
       investment opportunities linked to waste-to-  which had been tendered out a couple of   submitted bids to Saudi Aramco for up to
       energy (WTE) and waste reprocessing, with   years as an Independent Power Project (IPP),   five substantial engineering, procurement,
       an aggregate investment size totalling around   but was put on hold on account of the global   construction and installation offshore
       RO 580 million.                     economic downturn.                   packages for its multi-billion dollar Zuluf
         The six projects are part of an extensive   According to be’ah, the project – estimated   oilfield expansion scheme in the Persian Gulf.
       portfolio of about 90 investment opportunities  to cost RO 300 million – will generate “energy   Several people with direct knowledge
       being promoted for local and international   in the form of electricity and/or heat from the   of the tender process told Upstream that
       investment by the Ministry of Commerce,   primary treatment of waste, or the processing   technical bids for the Zuluf packages were
       Industry and Investment Promotion   of waste into a fuel source”.        recently submitted by a clutch of contestants,
       (MoCIIP).                              Electricity generation capacity is projected   with commercial offers likely to follow later
         Distributed across eight key sectors –   at 130-140 MW which will be fed into the   this month.
       Tourism, Logistics & Food, Fishing, Health,   national grid. Around 3,800 tonnes/day of   Aramco offered the five contracts as part of
       ICT, Mining & Industry, Waste Management   municipal solid waste will be channelled as   its coveted long-term agreement (LTA) with a

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