Page 15 - MEOG Week 37 2021
P. 15

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

         Chief Digital Officer Nabil Al Nuaim   commitment of Aramco and Honeywell to   modular construction in the Kingdom using
       said: “Aramco continues to pursue its   Saudi Vision 2030 – the national roadmap   McDermott’s Saudi Arabia Fabrication In
       Digital Transformation Program as part of   to transform the Kingdom into an industrial   Ras Al-Khair (SAFIRA) fabrication yard.
       its evolution to become the world’s leading   powerhouse and a global logistics hub. The   The signing took place during the Industrial
       digitalized energy corporation. We aim to   vision’s focus is on developing high-tech and   Investment Event in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
       expand this expertise into industrial sectors   knowledge-based careers that add significant   “McDermott is one of the premier module
       worldwide as we spearhead digital innovation   value to the Saudi economy to compete   fabricators in the industry,” said Samik
       in the energy sector globally.”     globally.                            Mukherjee, McDermott’s Executive Vice
         “This partnership will boost locally   Honeywell said it has been present in   President and Chief Operating Officer. “It is
       developed content, contribute to GDP growth,   Saudi Arabia for more than six decades. Its   a key competency we offer in our delivery
       create new jobs, expand the Kingdom’s digital   relationship with Aramco continues to grow   of integrated, at-scale solutions for our
       industrial ecosystem, accelerate digital talent   since the state oil giant purchased its first   customers—driving certainty on cost and
       development and sustain Aramco’s resilience,”   Honeywell product in 1948.   schedule throughout project execution. It also
       he added.                              The two organizations have achieved   elevates safety and quality, while reducing
         According to him, the proposed JV will   several significant milestones, such as the   the footprint at site as work done at our
       provide digital solutions and services to allow   installation of Honeywell’s first distributed   fabrication facilities takes place in a controlled
       industrial companies to integrate business   control systems at Aramco’s Safaniyah facility   environment.”
       and manufacturing data from across the full   in the early 1980s and the opening of an   The partnership will identify ways to
       breadth of plant operations to help maximize   integrated technical center in the Dhahran   collaborate on the plant modularization
       yield, reduce downtime and improve plant   Techno Valley in 2012, said Dallara.   concept, helping Saudi Aramco determine
       productivity and sustainability.       Today’s announcement builds on an MoU   the extent of modularization opportunities
         The digital solutions will combine   signed between Honeywell and Aramco   within its upstream and downstream onshore
       world-class business processes and plant   in 2017 to explore benefits of Honeywell’s   projects portfolio.
       optimization applications through a state-  Industrial Internet of Things offering, in   “This agreement demonstrates Saudi
       of-the-art integration and visualization   support of Saudi Vision 2030, he added.  Aramco’s confidence in McDermott as a
       architecture.                       TRADE ARABIA                         trusted partner and is an opportunity for
         “For more than 60 years, Honeywell                                     both companies to exchange knowledge,”
       and Aramco have partnered to drive Saudi   McDermott, Aramco             said Tareq Kawash, McDermott Senior Vice
       Arabia’s industrial leadership forward through                           President, Europe, Middle East and Africa. “It
       technology and innovation, and this MoU is   sign MoU for modular        enhances our close relationship and reinforces
       the latest milestone in our journey,” remarked                           our commitment to growing our capabilities
       Que Dallara, the President and CEO for   construction study              in-Kingdom.”
       Honeywell Connected Enterprise.                                            McDermott’s SAFIRA fabrication yard is
         “The powerful combination of Aramco’s   McDermott continues to take significant steps   being developed within Saudi Aramco’s King
       business, operations, technology and Plant.  to support Saudi Arabia’s ongoing efforts to   Salman International Complex for Maritime
       Digital system delivery expertise, coupled   increase localization in line with the Saudi   Industries and Services in Ras Al-Khair. Once
       with Honeywell’s proven experience in   Vision 2030.                     fully functional, it will have the capability to
       industrial software and big data analytics   McDermott signed a Memorandum   fabricate and assemble offshore platforms
       solutions, will unlock tremendous value for   of Understanding (MoU) with Saudi   and jackets, subsea pipelines and onshore
       industry,” he added.                Aramco as part of its Namaat Program to   modules.
         The collaboration highlights the   explore the feasibility of executing onshore   MCDERMOTT

       Week 37   15•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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